
RainbowHugs has a minion!

Glower the Sunbeam

Legacy Name: RainbowHugs

The Spectrum Kerubi
Owner: Homorenamon

Age: 16 years, 8 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 7th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 8 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 7th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Name: Aden Robinson
Age: 18
Occupation: Works at Hollister with Kat and Annie.
Orientation: Homosexual
Status: Single, not looking.
Studying: Art, not sure on the specifics as of yet.
Ethnicity: Caucasian, mostly of Canadian and French descent.

Aden is a very outgoing guy, and, being somewhat of a people-pleaser, there are times he doesn't know when to quit. Around people he doesn't know, Aden is prone to be very shy and reserved, but warms up immediately to almost anyone. He is rash and eccentric, and, though very small for his age, is a walking pistol.

Aden, revealing his sensitive side, is poetic and intelligent, able to see the beauty of things others may look over. It is a quality many of his friends and family admire in him.


Aden was born into a middle-class suburban family, under the pressure of his parents, as the oldest, to succeed them in running the local law firm. Aden, having never been one for such a "boring" profession, had always aspired to be an artist. Always being a fairly good scholar, the minute he graduated he moved away- much to his parents' dismay- to the city to study at an art institute. He is currently in his 3rd year there and, so far, is doing exceptionally well in school, and lives with his "family" and his precious cat (who he has owned since the age of 11) Glower. His two best friends, Kat and Annie, live down the hall and he goes to work with them.

Colors of the rainbow

Coming from his friend, Antoin

The minute I met Aden, I had known he was gay. I mean, no, he didn't talk with a lisp, wear European clothes, or any of those other gay stereotypes. It was just that, when I talked to him, it was so easy. I knew that he wasn't checking me out, and it wasn't a dis either. Just a vibe.
I sort of assumed everyone else knew this, but I suppose it's not very obvious. I mean, as I said, he isn't the flamboyant gay guy you meet on TV. Generally, he's low key, if a bit eccentric, and you really can't tell unless you get to know him better.

And, unfortunately, I know him better.

Pet Treasure

Orange Third Anniversary Lamb Plushie


Sir Loves-a-Lot

Pink Third Anniversary Lamb Plushie

Pet Friends

Im In Love.
Hehe, sure. Performing is wonderful, you have to try it ;)