
Valk_938 has a minion!

Minion the Vita

Legacy Name: Valk_938

The Glacier Irion
Owner: Pluto_273

Age: 16 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: September 10th, 2007

Adopted: 12 years, 8 months, 1 day ago

Adopted: October 26th, 2011


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 33
  • Defense: 34
  • Speed: 28
  • Health: 35
  • HP: 0/35
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Not much is known about the elusive beast known as the Ice God. Some say he is a myth. Others swear that he is real. All that anyone knows is that he has been spoken of in stories since the dawn of time. Whether they believe in him or not, the mere mention of his name sends chills down anyone who hears its back. He is to be feared. To be loved. To be worshiped. To be loathed.

Valk. That was his name. Or, so he thought. The Irion wasn't sure of anything anymore. After the waste claimed the lives of his family, the male found himself slowly slipping away from sanity. The cold ate at his bones, ice slowly sinking in until he wasn't much of anything anymore. A frozen monster. A daemon. A beast more dead then alive.
His once glossy black fur became white, crusted with snow and ice. His wings froze at the tips, turning to the blue of the dead. His once bright gold eyes mutated until the burned with a cold fire, the same glistening, transparent blue as the world of ice around him.
The gods took pity on him, and the young Irion was brought into their ranks. He was like them, they thought. Neither living nor dead. But immortal for all time. They granted him a seat in their heavens, and a job to preform dutifully every year. At the passing of the seasons, the Ice God was to bring the storms and chill, coating everything in the glittering blue and white of his own being.

God lord this sucks. Gotta work on it more I think. Something less...blah then this.

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