
Orrekon has a minion!

Indignation the Phalen

Legacy Name: Orrekon

The Nightmare Celinox
Owner: Arsinic

Age: 16 years, 8 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 22nd, 2007

Adopted: 13 years, 1 week, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 1st, 2011


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 19
  • Defense: 32
  • Speed: 32
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 23
  • Books Read: 23
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

Created by the accidental release of vicious, murderous energy, Orrekon wasted little time scouring the land for a victim to torture. Not knowing who or what he was, nor caring. He simply knew he wanted to move, and keep moving. Ghosting through the terrain as fast as the wind would carry him, seeking out life. Any bright spark of life. Zeroing in on the poor soul-
-and snuffing it out.

He found he liked the feel of the deed, so sought out the next.
Slowly he is learning to temper his enthusiasm for turning the innocent into small piles of dust. Only because the more ways he learns to extinguish life, the more types of dust he gets as a prize.

Along his violent travels Orrekon started to notice a moth following him. At first he tried to ignore the annoying creature. Days passed with it constantly dogging his trail, so he decided to do what he did best - kill it. Only he couldn't catch the flittering little pest. Angered by the tiny laughing the thing emitted as it berated him for his deeds, Orrekon kept after the bug until he was exhausted and finally gave up to collapse against a tree. After weeks of failed attempts, Orrekon watched the creature come close while he tried to regain his energy. "You cannot kill me, you know? You created me." Orrekon shifted his head to look more closely. He hadn't remembered creating anything, well other than his precious dust piles. "I am the anger of all your cruel deeds." The dark shadow of a celinox snorted a laugh and turned his head away. Letting his eyes close so he could rest up and try to kill the moth tomorrow. "I am Indignation." was the last words he heard before he fell asleep.

Pet Treasure

Enchanting Dust


Shadow Short Sword

Coal Mist

Crypt Dust

Dark Dust


Black Sand



Black Escaped Aura

Shadow Dust

Pet Friends