
Maotai has a minion!

Minion the Zeitpunk

Legacy Name: Maotai

The Nuclear Tigrean
Owner: Luxe

Age: 16 years, 8 months, 2 days

Born: October 4th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 4th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 9/10
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Books Read: 13
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Description for my own personal reference.

Maotai is an incorporeal being that lives in the web of threads that connect times and eras, but more specifically memories. She is another species altogether, either discovered or created (neither she nor Marnier are really sure or her origins) by Grand Marnier during one of his experiments. As of yet, only Marnier and Benedictine know she exists. Marnier wears a special jewel/stone in his ear that allows Maotai to communicate with him at all times. She is actually the key to successful time travel. Think of her as an immense catalog of all the memories of every creature that ever lived, on Subeta, on Earth, on any place that sustains life. Instead of bringing a time traveler to a specific time, what she does is holds him in her memory and brings him out to a time and place as someone or something else has remembered it. Since she is limited to memories though, she can't bring a time traveler to any future period; he can only travel from the beginning of time to the current moment. However, being an inexhaustible resource of all memories means that she not only holds memories of creatures of Subeta, but also those of all other worlds. These worlds might have new futuristic culture or technology unlike that of Subeta! In this respect she can facilitate travel not only through time, but also through space. She has explained all of this and more to Grand Marnier, but she has also warned him of the dangers of this travel. The creation of memories involves an electrical impulse in the brain, and traveling through that many memories-- that many electrical impulses-- to get to his final destination could prove to be fatal. It is for this reason that Marnier has not even attempted it yet and instead spends his time trying to develop a vehicle that will protect him from the effects of this travel.

* How did Maotai and Marnier communicate before the jewel/gem?
* Does traveling affect peoples' memories? Can events change?
* Can Maotai carry multiple people at once?

Pet Treasure

Battered War Journal

Stories of Old

Ziara: A History Through Headlines

Box of Love Letters

Old Family History Book

Sands of Time

Keepsake Box

Magical Keepsake Box

Subeta Tribune Special Issue I

Subeta Tribune Special Issue II

Subeta Tribune Special Issue III

Subeta Tribune Special Issue IV

Subeta Tribune Special Issue V

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VI

Subeta Tribune Special Issue VII

Subeta Tribune

Tattered Opera Program

Vernons Torn Journal Page 1

Vernons Torn Journal Page 2

Vernons Torn Journal Page 3

Vernons Torn Journal Page 4

Vernons Torn Journal Page 5

Scrawled Note

Yellowed Photograph

Saloon Photograph

Scrapbook of the Future

Stained and Torn Family Album

Wildman Photo Album

Subeta History

Scarred Leather Record Book

Tattered Old Book

Waterlogged Log Book

Subeta Yearbook Volume II

Subeta Yearbook Volume III

Subeta Yearbook Volume IV

Memory Lane: 2006

Atebus History

Steam Book

A Secluded History

A History of Fireside

Veta: A History

Dream Journal

Bound Doctors Journal

Zombie Journal

Pet Friends

Grand Marnier
