
eGenue has a minion!

Apocolypse the Nuclear Matter

Legacy Name: eGenue

The Nuclear Serpenth
Owner: odduckOasis

Age: 16 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 6th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 6th, 2007 (Legacy)

Pet Spotlight Winner
January 30th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Sentinel. That's what he is. In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, he stands out among all others, a protector; a guardian. He has lost count of how many years it had been since the great war, since the destruction of their civilization as they knew it, but Gen has not forgotten what had happened then and what was still occurring around him. There is still death, still murder, still lost hope. Too many people have suffered, too many people have lost their way, too many, far too many to save.

Though the city is mostly rubble, there is enough structure to allow anyone looking for shelter to find it and use it. Regardless, there is still those that hunt and kill, searching for creatures they deem unworthy to survive. Gen has fought many a being that wish to take his own life away, but he has learned to defend himself, becoming expert at his sword and a bow and arrow. He hasn't resorted to a gun, unless he truly needs to, plus, bullets are scarce and he won't risk using up his own if he doesn't need to. Besides, he can shoot off an arrow before one can even reach for his gun. It is no match for a gun already drawn, but he is still proficient in protecting himself and others when needed.

For the most part, Gen is a solitary figure, only coming out and doing what he must when called for. Otherwise, he keeps to himself and when possible, will stay in an abandoned burned out city for as long as possible.

Who knows if anyone will find him and what might happen if they try....

Pet Treasure

Quiver of Arrows

Immense Blade

Black And Silver Gas Mask

Dark Ranger Arrow


Survivors Last Cigar

Cyborg Soldier Dog Tags

Jimmy Old Leather Buckle

Iron Ore

Gaslight Leather Belt

Roll of Gauze

Leather Strap Bracelet

Gaslight Leather Gloves

Worn Leather Work Belt

Black Sunglasses

Pet Friends