
Dallas has a minion!

the Souva

Legacy Name: DallasxRobertxValentine

The Angelic Kumos
Owner: Tala

Age: 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 18th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 18th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 28
  • Defense: 22
  • Speed: 19
  • Health: 23
  • HP: 23/23
  • Intelligence: 207
  • Books Read: 206
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Neela Groomer

Long ago, in the era of burgeoning railroads and pioneers venturing westward, an extraordinary Kumos named Dallas R. Valentine lived. With a heart filled with compassion, courage, and a spirit of protection, he spent his final days looking after passengers and his dear mother as they traversed the untamed western frontier.

October 6th, 1866, as the train rumbled westward through a rugged canyon, a band of ruthless outlaws stormed aboard, taking the cargo and anything valuable they could from passengers. Without hesitation, even though he knew the odds were against him, Dallas attempted to shield the innocent from harm. Despite his brave efforts, the outlaws' numbers overwhelmed him and their disregard for life was evident in the cold glint of their weapons. Still, young Dallas stood firm, fighting off as many bandits as he could, however, a bullet found its mark, and Dallas fell.

Time seemed to slow, as Dallas fell he could see the horror on his mother's face, he wanted to reach out to her, but his body was heavy and the world was going dark. The echoing of gunfire seemed like a haunting testament as his life's essence lingered between worlds, Dallas found himself in a realm neither heavenly nor hellish. Floating in an ethereal dreamscape bathed in shimmering light, there, an ethereal figure emerged whom he had read about in books, the Archangel Michael. Michael revealed he had been watching over Dallas and his actions tonight had touched the heavens themselves. He presented Dallas with two options, to either continue onto heaven or serve as a celestial guardian and roam the earth until the end of time.

Dallas, humbled by the offer he had received, felt the earthly realm still called to him and he wanted to continue to protect and guard those who needed it most. Accepting the archangel's offer, a transformation washed over him, his mortal form dissipated and was replaced by a celestial brilliance. Wings of iridescent light unfurled from his back, symbolizing his ascension into the ranks of the celestial guard. Dallas felt an overwhelming surge of power, a power that transcended the limitations of his mortal existence. He moved with swiftness and grace, faster than the speed of light, traversed boundaries of time and space, and could perceive the deepest emotions and intentions of those he watched over.

Dallas thanked Michael for his kindness and vowed to dedicate himself to the guard and protect the people from darkness and evil. Michael gave a curt nod to Dallas, his eyes reflecting wisdom and compassion, with a snap of his fingers, Dallas found himself being held in his mother's arms. He could feel her face pressed into his neck, tears rolling down her cheeks, unaware of the celestial transformation he had undergone.

Dallas let his wings unfurl and embrace his mother in a tight hug, her tears of sadness suddenly turned to tears of joy as she realized her son was back. Amidst the joyous embrace, Dallas's celestial instincts heightened, the distinct sound of a pistol being readied and pointed at him, the hammer ominously cocked back and ready. With the grace and swiftness only an angel could possess, he maneuvered himself and his mother, shielding her with his wings. As the trigger was pulled, Dallas's desire to shield his mother, created a light that materialized in the form of a barrier, redirecting the bullet away from them.

Dallas locked eyes with his mother, silently reassuring her everything would be okay. He turned and looked behind him to see one of the bandits with his pistol still pointed at him. The bandit looked at Dallas with confusion and fear, angry, he took several more shots at Dallas, all of which were easily deflected by a barrier of light.

Dallas stepped toward the bandit, his boots echoing off the wooden floor until he stood in front of him. Almost chest to chest, Dallas's blue eyes stared down deeply into the bandit's soul, revealing the weight of his misdeeds and the consequences of his actions so far. The bandit saw visions of the pain and suffering he had caused, the lives he had shattered, and the depth of the darkness and evil that consumed him.

Tears streamed down the bandit's face and small cries for help broke the silence, these visions Dallas shared were not meant to punish but to reveal the truth, the consequences of his actions, and the potential for redemption within him. Over and over, the bandit saw the faces of those he hurt, he felt their pain, the heaviness of their sorrow, and the void left in the lives he had torn apart.

As the bandit wrestled with the darkness, Dallas's intervention showed a path to redemption, a glimmer of hope toward forgiveness and healing. The bandit graciously followed this path, coming back to the physical world but his eyes appeared to be glossed over. A unique aspect of Dallas's ability caused temporary blindness, again not to punish but to encourage those it was used on to confront the darkness and seek the light.

Dallas explained the terms of the blindness, which the bandit accepted and understood, telling Dallas he could not undo what he had done, but wished to atone for his sins and make everything right. The bandit added he no longer wanted to bring darkness, but light. With the chaotic scene quelled, the bandits who had witnessed the transformative power chose a different path, others fled furious Dallas had thwarted their plan to rob the whole train.

Dallas contained the bandits and began tending to the passengers who had been hurt. As the train journeyed westward and towards its destination, a sense of comfort and reassurance washed over the passengers as they stood in Dallas's celestial presence. Once at their destination, Dallas led the bandits off of the train, who followed him willingly to the nearest Sheriff's Office. Each bandit began to pour out their stories of regret and remorse, willingly confessing and taking responsibility for their misdeeds.

As an immortal celestial being, Dallas bore witness to the passage of time while remaining eternally 24 years old. The years rolled on, and he continued his sacred duty, protecting humanity with unwavering dedication from those who wished to cause pain and harm. Yet, with each passing era, he experienced the profound ache of loss as his mortal loved ones lived out their fleeting lives.

Dallas watched his mother grow old and frail, her once vibrant spirit slowly fading like a dying star. As the end of her mortal journey approached, Dallas was there by her side, his wings of light embracing her in her final moments.

"My dear Dallas," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "you have been my greatest joy and source of pride since the day you were born. As I close my eyes for the final time, know that you have filled my life with immeasurable love and happiness." She reached out her trembling hand, gently caressing his cheek, as if etching the memory of his face into her heart one last time. Her eyes shone with the light of a mother's love, "You've shown compassion, courage, and strength beyond measure. Your heart has always been filled with goodness and kindness, and the world is a better place because of you."

A tear slipped from Dallas's eye, and he held his mother's hand tightly, cherishing every fleeting moment they had left together. "Don't grieve for me, my sweet child," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She took a shallow breath, her eyes still fixed on Dallas's face. "One day, when the stars align and the heavens call you home, we will be reunited again. Embrace the journey that lies ahead, and know that I will be watching over you, guiding you with love and pride."

As her breathing grew softer, Dallas held her hand tightly, feeling the life slipping away from her fragile form. He whispered words of love and gratitude, thanking her for the unconditional love she had given him throughout her life. Light gently enveloped her, as she drew her final breath. With a heart heavy with both grief and gratitude, he vowed to carry her memory within him and continue to make her proud.

As the years turned into decades and the decades into centuries, Dallas became a witness to the ebb and flow of history, his presence provided instrumental in shaping history.

To be continued...

Pet Treasure

Distilled Rum

Stained Glass Whiskey Glass

Mothers Day Child Hand Plaster

Blue Inkwell

Common Six-Shooter

Wild Ace Model Airplane

Stinger Model Airplane

Soaring Mallarchy Model Airplane

Fighting Fester Model Airplane

Ziaran Lady Model Airplane

Jolly Roger Model Airplane

Wooden Biplane

Model Airplane Kit

Wooden Automobile

Sands of Time

Reborn Matter

Light Matter

Army Jacket

Clear-Lens Gas Mask

Rally Cocktail

Homemade Dark Rum

Weathered Sailors Flask


Dry Gin

Shot of Whiskey

Shot of Brandywine

Flaming B-52

Pet Friends