
Geryon has a minion!

Stesichoros the Skelihaund

Legacy Name: Geryones

The Reborn Montre
Owner: kaeya

Age: 16 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 5th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 5th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 262
  • Strength: 671
  • Defense: 653
  • Speed: 668
  • Health: 652
  • HP: 642/652
  • Intelligence: 816
  • Books Read: 772
  • Food Eaten: 1292
  • Job: Secret Keeper

The reticent volcano keeps
His never slumbering plan—
Confided are his projects pink
To no precarious man.

If nature will not tell the tale
Jehovah told to her
Can human nature not survive
Without a listener?

Admonished by her buckled lips
Let every babbler be
The only secret people keep
Is Immortality.

             NO. 1748
Photograph: Epitaph
Geryon cannot imagine a time before red. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut venenatis, quam ac ornare tristique, sapien justo tristique quam, eget feugiat sapien eros ut neque. Vivamus sed facilisis neque. Sed ligula nisi, tincidunt venenatis interdum sed, laoreet posuere quam. Vivamus euismod ultricies felis, finibus efficitur augue convallis tristique. In iaculis nisi at elit mollis, quis vehicula urna egestas. Nullam sed purus nec quam lobortis venenatis. Praesent volutpat ipsum ut nibh pharetra, et pretium arcu facilisis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sit amet placerat magna. Donec sit amet dapibus risus.

In et semper ex. Nam quis eros at tellus suscipit fringilla. Maecenas laoreet enim nec cursus rutrum. Ut posuere fringilla lectus, et facilisis enim dapibus non. Morbi quis scelerisque metus, eu porta est. Nullam efficitur lobortis odio, quis feugiat neque mollis ac. Duis lacinia, metus ac molestie congue, nisl turpis aliquam diam, a cursus sapien lacus ut erat.
Mauris vitae imperdiet urna. Ut a risus mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras accumsan massa in nibh vulputate commodo. Donec id laoreet magna, in aliquet magna. In eget neque ac est dictum volutpat. Quisque non rutrum elit, eget pellentesque augue. Donec ut est nunc. Cras ultricies ligula eros, sit amet fermentum risus commodo id. Nunc nibh mauris, blandit non lectus vel, ornare aliquet urna. Integer nulla augue, ultrices vel tortor sed, tincidunt laoreet metus. Suspendisse eu venenatis metus. Donec felis dolor, viverra in lectus sit amet, bibendum ullamcorper quam.

Geryon cannot imagine a time before red, and he cannot imagine a time after. In consectetur fringilla malesuada. Donec lacinia ut lectus at semper. Phasellus eros lacus, eleifend id lacus at, gravida porttitor diam. Praesent gravida lectus lectus, ut interdum enim venenatis aliquam. Proin sed lorem eget nisi iaculis fermentum vitae id tortor. Praesent ac dignissim neque. Integer sed ultrices diam, quis sodales sapien. Quisque id ipsum ut nisl finibus bibendum. Proin vestibulum lacus dignissim, dapibus tellus sed, iaculis massa. Mauris vulputate augue sed semper bibendum. Donec laoreet porta leo, nec efficitur ligula rutrum vel. Praesent hendrerit laoreet felis.

I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.

( coming soon )

story & profile by kaeya. resources & images from Paula's database; lots of coding help from Bug's tutorials. this is a fanpet of geryon from anne carson's autobiography of red. no copyright infringement intended.
Battle Milestones

Pet Treasure

Understanding the Universe

Lost Poetry Page

Folded Cardinal Wings

Sephoras Tempting Pomegranate

Red Poppy Bouquet

Poppy Crown

Poppy Garland

Enchanting Embers

Captured Flame

Red Sky at Morning

Red Sky at Night

Burning Ball of Flaming Gas

True Love

Box of Love Letters

Battered Camera

Burnt Photograph

Stamped Out Photograph

Over Exposed Photo

Battered Scrap of Paper

Torn Snippet of Paper

Rumpled Snippet of Paper

Torn Scrap of Paper

Thin Scrap of Paper

Ripped Snippet of Paper

Rumpled Scrap of Paper

Curved Snippet of Paper

Ragged Scrap of Paper

Nearly Blank Snippet of Paper

Shredded Scrap of Paper

Moldy Snippet of Paper

Smudged Snippet of Paper

Unfolded Snippet of Paper

Wrinkled Snippet of Paper

Bent Snippet of Paper

Tattered Snippet of Paper

Tattered Scrap of Paper

Dog-Eared Snippet of Paper

Folded Snippet of Paper

Bent-Cornered Scrap of Paper

Wrinkly Scrap of Paper

Ruined Book

Magical Matches

Red Rreign Matchbox

Smoldering Ashes

Volcanic Ash

Scenic Lakeside Postcards

Leather-Bound Book

Pile of Travel Magazines

Book of Pyromancy

Fiery Book of Fireworks

Magma Encyclopedia

Fiery Book of 911s

Fireside Fires

A Collection of Verses

Tales of the Heart

Well-Loved Beat-Up Book

Forgotten Novel

Candy Eros Wings

Lust Eros Wings

Passion Eros Wings

Darkside Heat Charms

Hand of Flame

Fire Bubbles

Fireside Flame

Phoenix Tail Feather

Sleepy Pride Teddy Plushie

Pride Love Sticker

Pet Friends

I will never know how you see red...