
Lasirunes has a minion!

Petra the Louse


The Graveyard Darkonite
Owner: dexiarchia

Age: 16 years, 7 months, 4 days

Born: November 12th, 2007

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 5th, 2011


  • Level: 127
  • Strength: 163
  • Defense: 130
  • Speed: 117
  • Health: 148
  • HP: 148/148
  • Intelligence: 706
  • Books Read: 661
  • Food Eaten: 2148
  • Job: Lead Librarian

Emmanuel "Loki" Andrew Smith




Trans man






Scion of Ari


Web designer and security and lights for Club Butterfly
It was an ordinary day.

Loki quite liked ordinary days. Ordinary days meant work, meant time with Arven, meant time at home. Ordinary days also meant no Ra, no Mikayel, no disasters for him to prevent or people to protect.

You stop your preachin’ right there because I really don’t care, and I’ll do it again.

He started the day late, cup of coffee in hand as he wandered to his computer. It had been a while since he’d really had a challenge at his day job of website creation and general computer assistant. After all, neither was hard when you could just ask the computer to do what you needed. He let the bitterness overcome all other tastes, let the heat warm his insides, as he sat down and began work for a particularly enthusiastic client who wanted a page for their flower shop. At least it was colorful.

Gravity don’t mean too much to me, I’m who I’ve got to be.

Ari popped up on his screen at about a quarter past four. He looked to the corner and saw the little animated avatar she preferred to use for communication. She liked to check in from time to time, especially as he was her most powerful scion. He adjusted his glasses and sat back.
”What’s up today, Ari?”

”Nothing much, just seeing how you were doing.” Her little cartoon figure wandered around his screen and rearranged a few text boxes into an order he had to admit looked better.

”I’m fine. Everything ok up there?” The coffee was almost cold, so he finished it in a single gulp.

”Oh you know, the usual. Stuffy meetings, tech support, Cal pressuring me to take more protégés.”

”I never understood why you refuse to take more than one.”

”Because they, like you, always use their powers for the most mundane things! I mean honestly, Loki, web design?” Her avatar gesticulated wildly around his screen, mimicking the exaggerated movements her real form favored. “You could be inventing anything!”

”You know I do that in my free time.” He glanced over to the glove laying on his work table next to the soldering iron. Green eyes scanned over the complex circuitry, the small storage compartments for the self-replicating nanomachines on its knuckles.

”But you could be doing so much more!” She whined as she changed a font size.

”Maybe one day I will, but for now I’m happy where I am.”

”Suit yourself. Cal’s calling, see you later!” Her avatar waved before popping off the screen.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and wincing as it caught on a tangle. Everyone always wanted him to do more. Isn’t what he was doing enough?

I’ve got a bulletproof heart, you’ve got a hollow point smile.

Nine o’clock. Arven’s shift began in an hour and a half. He saved everything and stretched in his chair, working out muscles stiff from sitting too long. He got up, gathered his things, and made his way to Butterfly. As he arrived at the club, he noted the lights had already been set up for the day, probably by Valencia in one of her random acts of kindness. Either way it gave him more time with Arven, which was never a bad thing. He made his way back to the dressing rooms, finding the correct one and entering the unlock code out of pure muscle memory. His boyfriend turned as he entered, smiling warmly.

“Hey sweetheart,” Arven said, putting down his hairbrush to free his hands.

Instead of responding, Loki approached him, bent over his chair, and kissed him deeply. When they parted he smiled back, briefly distracted by how beautiful he thought Arven looked when he blushed. “Do good business this morning?”

”Got a couple chancellors as returning customers, so not too shabby if I do say so myself.” Arven stood and turned to Loki, wrapping his arms around the taller man’s neck and grinning. “But enough about that. There’s still an hour until I go on, you know.”

”Oh, I know.” Loki smirked.

Jenny won’t you come back home? ‘Cause everyone knows you don’t ever wanna come back. Let me be the one to save you!

They cut it pretty close, but he left Arven with ten minutes to finish getting ready, which was really all the god needed. It was good the blonde’s signature look was a sleeveless turtleneck, as Loki hadn’t been particularly subtle. The redhead went up to the lights and security booth, where he prepared to spend the rest of his night keeping an eye on security, monitoring the light programming, and, of course, watching Arven intently.

Yeah, ordinary days were best.


Arven and Loki have been together since their late teens. They’re an odd match, with Arven’s exuberant and gregarious nature and Loki’s almost sullen silence, but they somehow make it work. They originally began as a friends with benefits situation, and by the time both of them realized it had gone much farther than that there was no looking back.

Loki occasionally works as a sort of bodyguard for Arven when he needs it, and is passionate about his boyfriend’s safety (though, honestly, does he need to be? Arven is a god after all).


Loki’s run-ins with Mikayel are never pleasant, as Mikayel is usually trying to destroy the person he’s soulbound to protect.

Though Loki would never admit it, he gets a bit of a thrill every time he beats Mik so thoroughly despite the other’s best efforts and constant flirting. He’d be pretty cute if he wasn’t evil.


Though they've never officially met, Loki knows enough. Ra is the source of most of the stress in his life, due to his relentless pursuit of Mari and Alice in the name of cosmic order.

He knows their powers don't match up well and never wants to face him in a fight, but if he had to he'd come out swinging.


Due to his relationships with both Cal and Ari, Loki was bound to get caught up in the Mari Situation. As the brother of Cal's best friend he owes Cal some favors, and as Ari's most powerful scion he owes her even more. And because Cal loves his daughter and Ari loves her niece, they both made him pledge himself to her protection.

He thinks of her as almost a kid sister despite being only a few years older than she is. He loves her, in his own way, and would probably protect her even without being asked. There's just something about her that makes her instantly likable.


Personality-wise, Loki has more in common with Alice than just about anyone else. They're both quiet and reserved, and wholly devoted to the protection of others.

Due to her relationship with Mari he also feels responsible for her, and will frequently check in to make sure she and Mari are taking care of themselves.


Cal is Loki's brother Sam's best friend. When Cal gave Sam the bar and Sam enlisted Loki's help, Cal immediately took the technomancer on as a sort of surrogate son. Cal has done Loki some favors he'd do for no other human, which is part of why Loki owes him so much.

Loki views him at a bit of a distance despite his fatherly figure, as it's hard to think of the king of the gods as anything but the king of the gods.


Ari, as god of technology and invention, only ever picks one scion and one protégé. Loki is the lucky (or unlucky?) scion, as Ari's powers can be extremely powerful but also extremely unstable.

Though she is technically his mentor and patron, he views her with a bit of derision due to her over-the-top, somewhat childish nature. But he pays her the necessary respects, even if sometimes he just wants to tell her to sit down and do her job.


Nova is a frequent thorn in Loki's side. As an anomaly, they're not regulated by the gods or the humans and love causing chaos for the fun of it. They specifically enjoy causing chaos in Loki's direct vicinity because he's "the most fun to fight" according to them.

Loki enjoys their spars, and Nova never really does any lasting damage, but Loki still wishes they would calm down sometimes.


Yania is a bit of a mystery to Loki. He knows her as one of the older baristas at B² who's taken on a motherly role to nearly everyone. He also knows she has some sort of understanding of things far beyond his knowledge.

She's also the only one who can give Cal flack for anything, which means she must be way more powerful than she lets on. But Loki isn't entirely sure exactly what she is.


Profile template by Lea.

Story by dexiarchia.

Wallpaper from from Wallpaper Abyss.

Fonts from Google Fonts.

Lyrics from Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance.

Pet Treasure

Bi Pride Sash

Pink Tangerine Laptop

Pink Tangerine Egg Mouse

Red Tangerine Laptop

Red Tangerine Egg Mouse

Orange Tangerine Laptop

Orange Tangerine Egg Mouse

Green Tangerine Laptop

Green Tangerine Egg Mouse

Turquoise Tangerine Laptop

Turquoise Tangerine Egg Mouse

Blue Tangerine Laptop

Blue Tangerine Egg Mouse

Purple Tangerine Laptop

Purple Tangerine Egg Mouse

White Tangerine Laptop

White Tangerine Egg Mouse

Black Tangerine Laptop

Black Tangerine Egg Mouse

Red Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Red Tangerine Smartphone

Red Tangerine Touchphone

Pink Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Pink Tangerine Smartphone

Pink Tangerine Touchphone

Orange Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Orange Tangerine Smartphone

Orange Tangerine Touchphone

Green Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Green Tangerine Smartphone

Green Tangerine Touchphone

Turquoise Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Turquoise Tangerine Smartphone

Turquoise Tangerine Touchphone

Blue Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Blue Tangerine Smartphone

Blue Tangerine Touchphone

Purple Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Purple Tangerine Smartphone

Purple Tangerine Touchphone

White Tangerine Keyboard Phone

White Tangerine Smartphone

White Tangerine Touchphone

Black Tangerine Keyboard Phone

Black Tangerine Smartphone

Black Tangerine Touchphone

Pink Mini Phone

Red Mini Phone

Yellow Mini Phone

Lime Green Mini Phone

Turquoise Mini Phone

Blue Mini Phone

Purple Mini Phone

Gray Mini Phone

Green Monitor

Green Case

Green Keyboard

Green Mouse

Green PC

Blue Monitor

Blue Case

Blue Keyboard

Blue Mouse

Blue PC

Neon Monitor

Neon Case

Neon Keyboard

Neon Mouse

Neon PC

White Monitor

White Case

White Keyboard

White Mouse

White PC

Black Monitor

Black Case

Black Keyboard

Black Mouse

Black PC

Pink Mouse

Yellow Mouse

Dark Blue Mouse


Fiery Mouse

Dawn Mouse Pad

Bloodred Mouse Pad

Sun Mouse Pad

Cream Mouse Pad

Chibi Mouse Pad

Graveyard Mouse Pad

Field Mouse Pad

Dusk Mouse Pad

Angelic Mouse Pad

Lilac Mouse Pad

Darkmatter Mouse Pad

Twilight Mouse Pad

Arid Mouse Pad

Pink Mouse Pad

Green Mouse Pad

Blue Mouse Pad

White Mouse Pad

Black Mouse Pad

Dawn Gamepet

Field Gamepet

Dusk Gamepet

Lilac Gamepet

Arid Gamepet

Red Game Controller

Green Game Controller

Blue Game Controller

Purple Game Controller

Black Game Controller

White Game Controller

Pink Precision Gaming Mouse

Red Precision Gaming Mouse

Yellow Precision Gaming Mouse

Orange Precision Gaming Mouse

Green Precision Gaming Mouse

Blue Precision Gaming Mouse

Pink Rad Game System

Pink Rad Wireless Controller

Red Rad Game System

Red Rad Wireless Controller

Orange Rad Game System

Orange Rad Wireless Controller

Yellow Rad Game System

Yellow Rad Wireless Controller

Green Rad Game System

Green Rad Wireless Controller

Blue Rad Game System

Blue Rad Wireless Controller

Purple Rad Game System

Purple Rad Wireless Controller

White Rad Game System

White Rad Wireless Controller

Bloodred Laptop

Hobo Laptop

Steamwork Laptop

White Laptop

Black Laptop

Portable DVD Player

DVD Toaster






Circuitboard Mug

Blank CD

Magical CD

Advanced Gray Floppy Disk

Advanced Red Floppy Disk

Red Floppy Disk

Advanced Orange Floppy Disk

Advanced Yellow Floppy Disk

Yellow Floppy Disk

Green Floppy Disk

Advanced Blue Floppy Disk

Blue Floppy Disk

Purple Floppy Disk

Voynich Manuscript

The Interweb

Scientific Notebook

Insane Programming Volume 1

An Idiots Guide to Constructive Criticism

Dead Beats: From the Grave

Subeta Web Design

Red Wireless Router

Yellow Wireless Router

Green Wireless Router

Blue Wireless Router

Surge Protector




Computer Polish

USB Memory Stick

USB Adapter

Mad-Science Multitool

Scientists Key Ring

Common Six-Shooter

Pet Friends