
Legacy Name: Sonata

The Glade Legeica
Owner: Darling

Age: 19 years, 1 month, 4 days

Born: May 22nd, 2005

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: March 6th, 2011


  • Level: 131
  • Strength: 328
  • Defense: 332
  • Speed: 333
  • Health: 344
  • HP: 344/344
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

I wept when she fell.

At the time I'd been so many eons old- seen so many seasons pass- that I could no longer remember life before I'd been appointed a guardian; yet I was not ready to take my mantle as the incarnation of spring. That had been her role for so long that it felt wrong for anyone to ever fill her shoes. I'd spent my life in her shadow without having considered that I might one day take her place.

What she did was unthinkable, and yet I could not bring myself to strike down my mentor, my goddess, the Earth Mother. It was Augustine in his fearsome rage who tore her apart and cast her into the abyss while I wept and wept, a child centuries old.

Trauma has sharpened my memory; I've remember every spring, summer, autumn, winter since. Dear August has since settled into his role as Autumn, and time has softened his temper. The Winter and Summer I knew have since faded, and young spirits have taken their place.

Every spring I walk in beauty, leaving a trail of fragile growth in my wake. I feel the warmth of young life with every footfall; new blossoms rise from the earth to meet my steps. I tend to the the wisteria and the willow, the peony and pine. I love them all alike, and watch them thrive in my care.

But in my old age I still weep, still mourn, still fail to understand, and I water the world with my sorrow.

Profile, character design and text by Darling | Overlay by Jag | Background by nettlebeast@deviantart | Artwork by Rachel

Pet Treasure

Red Flower Basket

Purple Flower Sticker

Large Lavender Gerbera Ring

Large Blue Gerbera Ring

Large Yellow Gerbera Ring

Large White Gerbera Ring

Large Red Gerbera Ring

Large Pink Gerbera Ring

Peka Glade Willow Figurine

Black Flower Basket

Fig Leaves

Green Flower Basket

Orange Flower Basket

Yellow Flower Basket

Blue Flower Basket

Purple Flower Basket

Pink Flower Basket

White Flower Basket

Single Fig Leaf

Pet Friends

the unfathomable Creator

the incarnation of Autumn

the incarnation of Winter

the incarnation of Summer