
Malekai_740 has a minion!

Six the Thrae

Legacy Name: Malekai_740

The Bloodred Kumos
Owner: KadenRiis

Age: 16 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 7th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 7th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 16
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The name is Jedediah. Friends call me Jed.
Which means you'll be calling me Jedediah.

Age: 1,902. Appears 27.
Sex: Male.
Coat: Split; red and coal. White underside.
Mate: Quälend.
Kin: Brother - Olivrr. Nephew - Ozlit.
Orientation: Straight.
Personality: Sharp, vengeful, hot-tempered, protective.
Likes: Quälend, cities, loud music, speed.
Dislikes: Other males.

Born December 7th, year 107.
Jedediah was a regular boy who lived in a small community in the woods of what is now Lithuania.
He had a loving family and was his mother's pride and joy.
As a child, he was adventurous and into everything he could find.
At the young age of 27, Jedediah left his community and wandered off into the undiscovered lands of his time hoping to found his own pack.
As he explored the lands for months on end looking for the perfect place to settle, he came across many interesting things he had never seen before.
While traveling, he came across a pond seeming as ordinary as any he'd known before. And without a second thought, Jedediah took to the water to bath.
But something about this water was sinister. Had he known that at the bottom of this pond was the secret to mankind's immortality, he would have never gotten into that water that day so many centuries ago.
But even after he got out of the water, nothing appeared out of the ordinary to him. He noticed after a while that his appearance hadn't changed much, but it wasn't until 3 years later when he survived a great fall that he realized something was strange..
After another 10 years with no aging and no injuries, Jedediah realized that he could not die.
Now instead of searching for a place to settle, he set out to rediscover the water that kept him from aging or dying.
He had no luck. Eventually he made his way back to his old community in the woods and found his parents old and aged.
No one believed it was really him when he returned. It had been 15 years since anyone had seen him and he hadn't changed a bit.
Assuming that they were being tricked by evil, the community ran Jedediah out of the woods.
Alone and unsure of what to do, Jedediah went back out on his own determined to figure out a way around his curse.

------------ Flash forward a thousand or so years ------------

"What's this?" Jedediah asked himself as he stumbled upon what looked like a faint glow.
He walked toward the aura he saw and at first was slightly confused as to what it was.
It lied motionless on the ground, contorted in ways.
As he got closer, the glow shifted.
Jedediah leaped back, slightly startled as he saw that the glow was coming from a living being.
Or at least, what seemed to be a living being.
He watched the creature as it tried to get itself up off of the ground.
It stumbled a little and couldn't catch its balance.
Jedediah still hadn't seen the being's face.
After fighting in vain with all its strength to stand up, the creature lied back down on the ground, motionless.
After a few seconds of the creature's stillness, Jedediah felt confident enough to go up to it.
This time he approached from the opposite side wanting to see the face of this glowing.. thing.
Looking closely at the face of the creature, he realized that it was a female. A creature just like him.
Hurriedly, he pulled the girl onto his back and carried her off into the woods looking for a safe place to hide.
He came across an opening in the woods behind a large boulder for hiding if necessary and laid her on a moss bed.
She opened her eyes.
"Who are you?" the girl asked.
"Who are you?" Jedediah quickly replied.
"I.. my name is Quälend, but I don't really know who I am," she said. Jedediah looked puzzled.
"You don't know who you are? Well, at least tell me why you're glowing!"
"I don't really know that either," she said, looking very serious.
Now Jedediah was quite lost. He didn't understand. What happened to this chick out in those woods?
"What? What the hell are you talking about? What happened to you out there?" He questioned.
"I don't know. I remember.. I just remember a man. A man with an angry soul and angry hands. And the last thing I can recall is having my head hurt really badly. And then I woke up.. and now I'm with you. I think you saved me. Kind of like an angel watching out for me."
Jedediah took a few steps back. He was far from any angel. In fact, one might consider him the opposite.
In his years of wandering, he had committed many acts that others would call sins. He was no angel.
"No, I think you've got it backwards..." Jedediah began.
"No! I REMEMBER!" she shouted, "He hurt me! He took his hands and he hurt me. I was struggling.. and then I couldn't breathe.. and then.." She got quiet and tears filled her eyes. "Oh my God. I'm dead."
This threw Jedediah for a loop.
"You can't be dead. You're sitting right here talking to me."
"But I've never glowed any color before. I used to be all kinds of colors. I was beautiful. I was every color of the rainbow. Now I'm this."
She looked at her blackened fur and the purple aura that seemed to seep from her.
"I'm dead," she restated.
For the first time in over a thousand years, Jedediah felt compassion for another creature.
He brushed his nose against her cheek and sat close without saying a word.
"Well.. thank you for saving me, I guess," she said to him. "I don't know what to do now."
"What is there to do? Stay with me. Travel with me," Jedediah offered.
"How could I do that? I have no purpose here anymore. What would be the point? You'll grow old and die some day. And then what will I do? For some reason I'm stuck here--"
Jedediah interrupted, "I can't die."
"Now who's crazy? You're not invincible."
"No. I can't die. I've been alive for over a thousand years now. And I've been so lonely. And now I've found you. It had to have been for a reason, right?"
"This is just what I am now. Not dead, not living. Just trapped," Quälend said with a hint of sadness in her voice, "But you're right. Everything happens for a reason.. and I guess you're my reason. I was meant to come back so that I could live forever with you.."
Just then, a feeling so strong overwhelmed Jedediah. One which he had never felt before.
He couldn't control it pushing up through his soul and it embodied itself as a kiss. He had fallen in love.
Quälend looked at Jedediah, stunned. And then she felt it, too.
The feeling swelled in both of their souls. And then their hearts sang to one another and their beats became in sync.
And they could no longer live without each other.

Pet Treasure


Simple Gold Wedding Band

Ring of Fire Ward

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Pet Friends

Good evening, Darling.