
Irkalla has a minion!

the Barghest

Legacy Name: Irkalla

The Twilight Malticorn
Owner: Majesty

Age: 16 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 30th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 30th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 54
  • Strength: 141
  • Defense: 135
  • Speed: 78
  • Health: 139
  • HP: 139/139
  • Intelligence: 33
  • Books Read: 26
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Weapons Tester

#pet_image {background-image: url('');}

Full Name: Marie Rose Lorraine
Nicknames: Mare, May, Rosie
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen Years
Date of Birth: February 15
Occupation: Student, part-time job at a bookstore
Orientation: Homosexual

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 153 lbs
Build: Plump
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown with dark gold highlights

Likes: Video games, peace and quiet, reading books, daydreaming, writing, drawing, music (especially classical and symphonic metal), animals, being alone, chatting on the internet, sleeping in
Dislikes: People, trying to hold conversations, arguing with her parents, large crowds, being judged, people not taking her seriously, being alone, none of her friends being online, loud noises and yelling

Theme: "Alone In The Dark" - Vadim Kiselev (protip: even better if you put RainyMood on along with it!)


Username: Irkalla
Nickname: Kalla
Gender: Female

Level: 68
Race: Human
Class: Tamer
Guild: Immortals



The rain poured outside, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared. Luckily, if the power went out, I had my battery backup to keep me alive, even if I doubted the internet would hold up along with it. As the game world loaded, I walked to the small window behind me, pulling the shade and effectively plunging the already dim room into darkness. I sat back down in my desk chair and watched as the headquarters for my guild appeared.

"Evening, Kalla!"

"Hey, Kalla! Wanna help me with a dungeon?"

The familiar voices of my guildmates filled my ears as I slipped my headset on. Turning the microphone on, I slid it down in front of my mouth, a smile on my lips as I spoke. It was nice to hear that some people were happy to see me out there. Sniffing, I tried to keep my voice from cracking as I addressed them all.

"Good to see you all again, guys!"

"How was your day?" one of my guildmates asked.

I frowned lightly, not wanting to recount to them the absolutely terrible day I had. I just wanted to get back into the world I loved so dearly, the place that I considered my true home. "It was okay, I guess. Very long, though."

"Yeah, I know what that's like," a new voice piped up, Darius, the guild leader's, voice. "Anyway, Kalla, want to help us out with a dungeon? We're going to help Chris with his upgrade quests."

I opened the dungeons menu, scrolling through each one. "What upgrade is he going for again? I want to make sure I equip the right weapons."

"Level 40," my leader said, "Bring your fire bow."

"Roger that, boss," I replied cheerfully, equipping the violet bow. "So, we'll meet at the dungeon, then?"

"Yeah. Chris doesn't have teleport, so we'll port to him and follow him to the dungeon."

"Roger that!" I hit the teleport shortcut and watched as the guild HQ faded to a soft green field. Monsters nearly half my level were roaming about, and a short distance off, I saw a figure with our guild's logo floating over our head.

"Hey Chris, lead the way to the dungeon!" We all summoned our mounts and, once Chris summoned his horse and was galloping off, we were close behind, my hellhound and Darius' lion easily catching up with the slower mount. Aggressive monsters were in pursuit, no doubt being pulled in by our lower-leveled ward, but they couldn't catch us while we were mounted. Finally, as we crested a hill, the dungeon's mouth appeared before us. Once the monsters stopped following, we all dismounted and drew our weapons, starting toward the dungeon. As we gathered at the top of the hill and made sure we were all prepared, I noticed a new message in my chatbox, a whisper from Darius.

[whisper] [Darius] : hey, you doing ok?

I smiled sadly, before switching my chat over to whisper and typing up a response. Luckily, we had some time, because Chris had just typed to us that he needed to go back to town and stock up on healing potions.

[whisper] [Irkalla] : Yeah. Just got in another argument with the parents.
[whisper] [Darius] : again?? jeez
[whisper] [Irkalla] : Surprised?
[whisper] [Darius] : ever considered just moving out? you are 18, right?
[whisper] [Irkalla] : Yeah, but I have nowhere to go. No family, no friends, nobody.
[whisper] [Irkalla] : And I don't make enough to get a place on my own.
[whisper] [Darius] : that really sucks. im sorry.
[whisper] [Darius] : but im always here if you need to talk.
[whisper] [Irkalla] : Thanks. I appreciate it.

From behind the mic, I smiled slightly, blinking back tears again. I knew I could never just sit and vent all of my problems out to Darius, or to anyone else in the guild. I could never put a burden like that on them. But to know that I had friends, even if they were hundreds and thousands of miles away, that were willing to listen to my problems, meant a lot to me--more than any of them could ever realize.

Pet Treasure

Pink Gaming Headset

Pink Precision Gaming Mouse

Darkmatter Mouse Pad

Black Battery Backup System

Black Monitor

Black Case

Neon Keyboard

Surge Protector

Purple Rad Wireless Controller

Purple Rad Game System

Twilight Gamepet

Purple Tangerine Ear Buds

Purple S-Pod

Dark Flame Fist

Broken Arrow

Pet Friends