
Frau Blucher has a minion!

Abby Normal the Brainling

Frau Blucher
Legacy Name: Frau Blucher

The Nightmare Legeica
Owner: COLT

Age: 16 years, 2 months, 4 weeks

Born: March 2nd, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 2nd, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 27
  • Defense: 35
  • Speed: 27
  • Health: 44
  • HP: 44/44
  • Intelligence: 27
  • Books Read: 27
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

I am Frau Blücher.[horses whinny]

Frau Blücher: Would the doctor care for a brandy before retiring?
Dr. Frankenstein: No. Thank you.
Frau Blücher: Some varm milk... perhaps?
Dr. Frankenstein: No... thank you very much. No thanks.
Frau Blücher: Ovaltine?
Dr. Frankenstein: NOTHING! Thank you! I'm a little - tired!
Frau Blücher: Then I vill say... goodnight.
Dr. Frankenstein: Goodnight.

Dr. Frankenstein: That music...
Frau Blücher: Yes. It's in your blood - it's in the blood of ALL Frankensteins. It reaches the soul when words are useless. Your grandfather used to play it to the creature HE vas making.
Dr. Frankenstein: Then it was you all the time.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: You played that music in the middle of the night...
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: get us to the laboratory.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: That was YOUR cigar smoldering in the ashtray.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: And it was you... wholeft my grandfather's book out for me to find.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: So that I would...
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: Then you and Victor were...
Frau Blücher: YES. YES. Say it. He vas my... BOYFRIEND.

Pet Treasure

Happy Spider Leaf Bag

Apple Candle Holder

Beeswax Candle

Black Skull Votive Candle

Rusty Horseshoes

Black Horse Tail

Gift Horse Plushie

Pet Friends
