
Khan has a minion!

Marea the Skullion

Legacy Name: Khaaan

The Nightmare Noktoa
Owner: Coen

Age: 16 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 30th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 30th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 40
  • Strength: 100
  • Defense: 100
  • Speed: 97
  • Health: 101
  • HP: 101/101
  • Intelligence: 116
  • Books Read: 114
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Villainous Henchmen


-----------[ avoidant, Introspective, reclusive ]-----------

Khan is not someone who is very good at people. He isn't particularly hateful or untoward, but rather someone who prefers solitude and peace. As such Khan is someone who spends most of his time on his own. His hobbies mostly reflect this, with one glaring inconsistency; tattooing. He's taken to the art as a coping mechanism for the years of trauma he endured as an experiment and has fallen into it wholeheartedly. His main interactions with others tend to revolve around this. Nearly everyone he knows has received at least one tattoo from him. Khan also tends a garden, though he very rarely allows anyone inside to see it. His favorite flowers both to grow and tattoo are dahlia blooms.

Khan is employed with Maleria only because he looks intimidating enough. At first, he was slightly concerned that no one would be able to see past working for someone so well known for their "evil" tendencies but had found that everyone in his life that he had wanted to keep knew him better than to judge him on that. Khan only works for her part-time, and spends most of the rest of his free time on his hobbies, even making a modest sum on the plants that he grows. He also periodically will provide Noxamor with flowers commissioned from his garden as potion ingredients. He's not able to do much incredibly strenuous work, as his time as an experiment has given him relatively severe respiratory problems, most notably asthma that has incapacitated him multiple times before.

Khan has very few interpersonal relationships. His longest-running being with Neoma and his shortest (but by far most intense) is with Lillion. He met Neoma very shortly after being retired as an experiment, and the two of them were able to exist around each other without much need for interaction. Their quiet friendship has lasted many years without changing much, as the two are often seen merely existing with each other, companionable, but unobtrusive. Lillion on the other hand has been a tempest in Khan's life from the moment he arrived in it. The young man was infatuated with Khan nearly immediately, and though it's taken time for Khaaan to realize, the feeling is reciprocated. Khan has a business-level relationship with Noxamor but is reticent to spend time around him, as he's actually very creeped out by the man's many eyes. Noxamor is aware of this, and unoffended. His last social relationship of note is his companion-in-trauma Dsurion. Khan and Dsurion both underwent much the same treatment as experiments and are able to understand each other very well.

Gender: male
Height: 5'10"
Age: 25
Birthday: 16th of June (gemini)
Sexual orientation: demisexual, unsure
Relationship status: committed
Favorite color:
Health problems/Physical anomalies:
Severe asthma, allergies (general). Feathered wings, roughly 12' span.

Pet Treasure

Purple Hydrangea

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 84 Toy

Deaths Kiss

Black Dahlia

Red Single Pansy Flat

Coral Dahlia

White Wine Columbine

Blue Dahlia

Red Bellflowers

White and Yellow Dahlia

Orange Dahlia

Peach Foxglove

Red Dahlia

Lavender Dahlia

Red Survival Note Rose

Black Dahlia

Evil Flower

Pet Friends