
Sizeless has a minion!

Darra the Darghness

Legacy Name: Sizeless

The Galactic Dragarth
Owner: Dracotamer46

Age: 16 years, 3 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 8th, 2008

Adopted: 13 years, 4 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: January 26th, 2011


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 31
  • Defense: 28
  • Speed: 28
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 27/28
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Refreshment Concierge

Zel Sketch
Zel Design
Head Sketch
Zel Head

Story for Zel (Sizeless)
It all started in blood, fire and anguish! Pain, sorrow and loss! Many years ago, a great race of powers were destroyed. Their leaders were brutally tortured and murdered. The kings and queens of species and races everywhere were sorrow, they spent two months mourning their lost God and Goddess. This lasted not long at all.
For on the planet Seralin, just a simple land not too different from the little planet most know today as earth, a child was rested in a bed of soft grass in a glade. The child was rather alone in the world, for its parents were dead and so was its whole race…
This was over tens of thousands of years ago!
Now, in nearer years, the child is nowhere to be found. But this story is about another, although to understand the beginning is to understand the end!

Remembering one’s birth is hard, even for the son of two VERY old monarchs! At least, I can’t remember mine too well. I remember screaming and relief. Exhaustion and annoyance. But I was too young to understand any of that! No, my story really begins when I hit ten!

I pulled on my mother’s hand, not really caring about anything else, I saw a toy shop, and I wanted a teddy bear. The big one in the shop window. The white walls and cream door of the shop inviting. But even more inviting was the pretty looking teddy bear, with its lush black fur and pleading eyes.
No kid could resist it!... But a mother sure could! She pulled me away from the shop, “No! You have enough!” Then she lowered her voice to a furious whisper, “How do you expect to be king when you go running after stupid toys? Grow up!”
I didn’t cry, I just snatched my hand away and followed her miserably.
Now don’t go thinking my parents were horrid. They weren’t, sometimes they were fun loving, but lately something had both my mother and father on edge, and they seemed to be out and about a lot more. Amongst humans, or ‘the clueless ones’ my mother said. I didn’t know why, but I’d soon find out.

It was my tenth birthday when everything ‘went to pot’. I was in a small room, well, when I say small it isn’t actually small, just not as big as my bedroom, maybe the size of a silly human’s football pitch.
The walls were white and the doors were grey. There were brightly coloured table cloths covering the HUGE table I was sitting at, with my mom’s ‘friends’ and our family dotted around, as well as their kids, who I didn’t really WANT to talk or hang with.
My mother was not amused by my sullen expression, no, she urged me, “Come on Siabion!” I glared at her, hating my first name. I actually hated all my names.
Siabion Zel Lessutal.
What a ridiculous name!? I shortened it to Zel and most if the maids call me it, but not when my mother is near, she is all for ridiculous names!
Now another thing I realised, I always realise odd things, is that the girls were all dressed up. Dresses, skirts or something. Whereas the boys wore jeans and shirts. Another thing I didn’t understand! Why females felt the need to parade around in little outfits when they didn’t need to! Why make the effort? Seemed silly really.
Me? I was wearing a simple t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. My mother wasn’t too impressed by my fashion sense, but I didn’t really care that much! I never would…
So the cake sitting in front of me was now my focus. It had blue icing and a picture of a cartoon character, well known by our kind. A little dog-boy who would go on all sorts of adventures with his trusty sidekick Tamine, the arrogant and snobbish cat-girl.
I didn’t even like it! Jeez!
Ten candles, lit with a lilac flame, fire being very dangerous for our kind, so Magyk fire was the safe bet. I breathed in, and blew out with more force than I should have, for a couple of candles flew from the cake. I winced awkwardly, but my mom was too good at covering things like this up. She clapped and others joined in, then began to cut the cake.
The door slammed open and my father breezed in. He was tall, handsome, strong and had a confident air. He wore a long cloak and armour. He was a warrior and probably always would be.
Or so I’d thought.
My parents joined their hands and cut the cake together. My mother’s fiery, red hair, wavy down her back and thick, her sometimes warm, sometimes cold, yellow eyes with orange hints and her heart-shaped face made her beautiful, very beautiful.
My father was taller, by a bit, with black hair pulled back in a long ponytail, and striking blue, electric blue, eyes.
You wouldn’t connect me to either, unless you knew about our world, because then you’d know I was prince, because I looked like neither. I was barely a mix of the two.
I had yellow eyes, with weird orange AND blue specks, with dark, red hair that I intended to grow to cover my eyes. I had neither of my parents face shape, I had… Well, angular, slightly like my dad’s, but it was less protruding!
My skin was also darker than my parents, because I got a lot more sun, or more like I sunbathed a lot more.
While I was studying them, and wondering about myself, I didn’t see the new girl, sitting by herself, also studying my parents.
If I had noticed, I’d have seen the darkest brown hair you could imagine, thick, almost black, lashes framing sharp, watchful, dark, almost black, so dark that you couldn’t see her pupil, brown eyes, with jeans and a torn dirtied shirt. She would have looked beautiful but homeless
I only noticed her too late, she must have been older than me, because she looked about 16.
She moved with such a speed I feared, and she stabbed forward, past all the guests, like a bullet and cut my parents’ legs out from under them. She pulled out a gun, beautiful and sleek, it shone, my father’s hand snaked out and I heard a snap.
The girl held her hand and cursed, skin pale, but she would always be pale. Her wrist was bleeding, bones poking through the skin, and I heard my mother moan, in surprise, fear and confusion, “The daughter!”
The girl looked up, and she pushed her wrist into place, a grinding and wet noise echoed in my ears, and screams finally cut through. No one could get to the King and Queen.
The girl finally made a move, her unbroken wrist moved as she flicked it out, making a grab at her gun. My mother kicked in from her and the girl fell, a heal collided with the palm of her already injured hand, and I heard another wet noise, I wanted to retch as I heard the girl slight cry in pain. I could hear ringing starting in my ears and I heard a strangled cry. Only after did I realise that it had been me!
This… assassin seemed to not want to give up, wet trails streamed down her cheeks and she brought a fist up, getting to her feet in an instant. Knocking my mother off balance, she fell and then the girl kicked my father’s legs, hooking her left foot under him and brought a knee up. He cried in pain and also fell.
If this had been a graduation match, a spar or EVEN someone else’s parents I would have congratulated the girl on her skill and resilience, she really could hold her own.
Then her hand closed around the gun, and she brought it up, pulling the top off to show another one, which she aimed. One at father, one at mother, and I gave another choked cry as she said, slowly and deliberately, “Say hello to the Devil for me! This is for MY parents.” And she shot, bullets colliding with my parents, they exploded and the lights blacked out.
I ran, eyes adjusting slowly, till I found the door, and I ran out and into the surrounding wilderness.
I was in the forest when I saw her again, too cold and numb to think or feel. She sat, ends of the guns, both, pressed to her temples, one on each side. She shook, and I realised slowly that she was crying.
I sat near her, feeling shudders wrack me. “Have you come to die too?” The girl asked me, eyes sharp but filled with sorrow, wet covering her face, eyelashes clumped together.
I shook my head, “No…”
She laughed harshly, no humour in it, “Well then, what do you want little Prince?”
Cold tendrils ran down my back, wondering if she hated me like she hated my parents, “I wanted to get out.” I answered simple, then asked, “Why are your guns pointed at you?”
She looked at me, eyes searching, “I have no more reason to live.” She answered.
I felt rage flow through me like hot lava, pain and pleasure, “So you kill yourself?” She glared at the ground, and then she stood, guns wavering slightly.
”Go away child!”
I snarled, watched her now watch me, finally allowing the truth to sink in, “You killed my parents! I’ll give you a reason to live! You will live soI can kill you!”
She looked back at me, something sparkling in her eyes, a flame of life, and she smiled weakly, guns withdrawing. She clicked them back together and shoved them in a belt, “Ok then little Prince. I shall live for that reason, and when you choose to kill me come and find me. I’ll even make it easier. Call me Zoxen!”
I stared at her, blinking doe fully, and she stepped away, shadows fleeing from her, and light clung to her leg. Crawling up to cover her body, until it faded and standing in her place was a beautiful deer-like creature. Its head thrown back and it gave a cry, like the earth would crumble beneath it, and then turned to gallop off, leaving a trail of sparkly light behind it.

10 years later!

”Come on Zel!”
I was getting sick of hearing that phrase, so I just sniffed and carried on walking. I was in the streets of a small town named Stockhort, when I say small, I mean REALLY small!
It’s pavements were cracked and caked in chewing gum, it’s buildings were dull and covered in graffiti. It was a miserable place. But then… I was used to the kingdom and luxury; here I had to be a peasant!
The impatient one beside me was my… Wife. I’d married one of the Dukes’ daughters. The one walking with me was named Eliesya. She was the second daughter, younger than me at 19.
She was very tanned, with long blond hair and red, almost almond-shaped eyes. The sort of girl most would die to look like, and be. We’ve been married for a year, maybe?
I’m not too bothered by such things, I’ve been too worried about something else. If I’m honest, I would have left Eliesya behind, but she was like a stupid animal, she had to follow me everywhere!
This town was where a girl was, one who was a danger to all the races all over the world, one who had them all hunting her, one who had killed my parents. Zoxen.
She’d hunted pretty much all the royals and killed all of them, my parents were the last, and she’d always said the same thing, ‘”Say hello to the Devil for me! This is for MY parents.”’
People were too fearful to talk about the 16 year old girl who’d come and destroyed the monarchy, who’d done was none before her had done with such ease. Only later did I find it wasn’t fear that stopped them talking, but shame.
Eliesya opened her mouth again, snapping me from my thoughts, her hand touched my arm, and she smiled, like a cat with cream. “What are we even DOING in this hell hole?”
I groaned to myself, this was why I didn’t want her along, but I answered honestly, “I’m looking for an enemy of the Council.”
She bit her lip, tip of sharp fangs dimpling her bottom lip, a tremor went through me but I ignored it, something bloomed in her expression. Realisation. “The girl who killed all the royals! You know where she is?!”
I sighed, “Yes, now shush! I need to find her.” We carried on walking, she was finally quiet, and that’s when I heard something intriguing.
”LEAVE HER ALONE!” A yell, one laced with danger, a voice that brought back bloody memories. I rounded the corner quickly, a big building came into view, old like a church but its architecture was beautiful, or it would have been to those who cared.
There was a big crowd, of… school children. I gave Eliesya a glare that said, “Don’t be seen!” Thankfully she did understand, and walked off to hide in the shadows.
I broke through the crowd, easily cutting to the front. And stared.
There, in the middle were three people, one was on the floor, cradling what looked like a broken arm and had a really cut up face. It was a girl with silver hair and sea green eyes. The second person was against the school gates, their hands were bloodied and the frightful comparison to Eliesya could be made.
The one holding her against the school gates was the girl! Her almost black hair, falling down to her waist still, her almost black eyes, framed in long, thick, black eyelashes. She was still pale but much healthier wearing the school uniform.
I watched silently.
Zoxen smacked the girl against the gates, growling, “Leave her ALONE!”
The girl on the floor winced, “Zoey. No…”
But something was brewing in her, some darkness flowing through her, that only he and her friend seemed to see.
I watched, entranced.
The bullying girl made a choked cry, but Zoxen was relentless, she slammed her against the gate again, “You made a mistake!”
The Zoxen just… Lost control. She dropped the girl and snarled, inhuman and terrifying. Wings extended from her back and teeth turned into fangs, elongated, sharp. A tail, long and delicate, but ending in a scorpion point, protruded from her back. She laughed harshly, like sandpaper scratching against someone’s skin.
People stepped back, entranced but fearful. Dark Aura swam around her, laced with tiny amounts of light. Zoxen grabbed the girl on the floor and threw her at the gate, tail lashing behind her. The girl gave a scream of pain and then fell to the floor.
The friend of Zoxen seemed much too ill to move and just winced as she tried to stand. No one was going to get through before she killed the blonde… Images of my parents flashed through my head as déjà vu gripped me.
I did the most stupidest thing ever, “Stop.” I said. Quiet but it rung. I was strong. I was King.
I pushed through and into the ring, grabbing Zoey by the collar of her uniform and threw her to the ground, foot stomping down, not too hard, on her tail and other hand clipping her wings. She writhed slightly, and I repeated, “Stop.” The girl she’d been about to kill, stood very quickly, terror in her eyes, and spat at Zoxen before running off, soon followed by everyone else but the friend, all too scared of me and her. A slight shiver went through me, ‘Me and Her? Ridiculous… A murderer. Remember that!’ I thought angrily.
Zoxen stopped writhing and her tail vanished, as did her wings, but the dark tendrils and fangs didn’t, she’d been touched by what humans like to call ‘Bloodlust’ and what those who know call ‘The Remainent’. The true part of the devil in those of the Dark Realms. A vampire is a trivial name made up by humans, as are werewolves and demons, etc! The truth of the matter is, there are none of these, just a mix of all. The Dark tribes. Covering galaxies and planets. We are the true monsters that go bump in the night. We are also close knitted, and even those in far off galaxies meet up. Cool, huh?
Anyway, when we see the ‘Touch’ in another, it has a weird… effect on a person. It’s like seeing someone… well….
Anyway. It’s weird and it’s tempting and SUPER hard to ignore. I could feel it pushing out now, becoming aware of the fact that my hands were touching Zoxen’s shoulders, fingers getting small electric shocks from the slits in her back, bare, pale, cold skin. It’s what I’d felt earlier with Eliesya, but nowhere near as strong, she’s only showed her fangs after all. This girl was showing everything.
And she knew I was thinking about it. She could see the darkening and hungry spark in my eyes. Her body reacted to my own calling, but the hatred and sudden worry in her eyes won out.
She pushed away from me, long fangs touching just below her bottom lip, her pale pink, full, blood filled lip, and she edged toward the girl. Her voice low and urgent, and STILL laced with that delightful essence of… Dark…
“Are you OK?”
Her friend glared at her through the blood, “Zo! You stupid, stupid girl! You went and showed the whole DAMN SCHOOL your power. Now what? What if word reaches them? Then what? They’ll hunt you!” She seemed to be in more pain at this possibility that at her wounds.
Zoxen looked at the floor, “I know… I’m sorry!” A tear leaked and ran down her cheek and onto her friend’s leg. It glittered gold and a beautiful sheen spread over the leg. “I swear it Kelli! I’ll find a way!”
’Time to break up the little part’, I thought, having finally recovered from the ‘touch’. I coughed loudly, “Hey, look, I’m sorry and all about what happened, but I have some unfinished business with you babe.”
Zoxen turned, standing instantly, the ‘touch’ was fading slightly but it still hung in the air, and it still made me tremble. Her eyes shone with recognitions, “Little Prince! Not so little anymore…” She said, mocking, though she seemed way to shaky and sad to be making jokes.
I smiled back, easily falling into flirty and in control, “Yeah, and this prince is finally King! And you need to remember babe, I made a promise!”
Kelli looked at Zoxen fearfully, her eyes wide, “See! One’s found you!” I gave her a predatory grin and then focused on Zoxen.
She was already smirking, falling into dangerous again, “Ah. But you see, I have a reason to live now, a reason to stand strong and FIGHT!”
I laughed, “Oh Zoxen… I don’t care! I made a promise. You killed my parents, you will pay!”
She winked, “Call me Zoey, and also…” She flashed forward and was before me, close enough for our noses to touch, and let the ‘touch’ out. “Good LUCK with that! If they couldn’t kill me, how could you?”
This time, the ‘touch’ was too close, too full to ignore. My fangs slid out, and the Dark Aura surrounded me. I blinked sleepily at her, and smiled, fangs pushing in, and breaking the skin of my lips. I tasted the horrid salty, metallic, blood taste, and she slammed into me. Like two trains colliding we smashed. She pushed me back and brought her knee up. I deflected it and grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her and squeezing my other arm around her neck.
Nothing else was in the world but me and her now.
Nothing else concerned me.
She kicked out again, planting her foot against a bar of the fence surrounding her school, pushed off it and head butted me in the jaw, a wince escaped as I felt my fangs dig into my bottom lip.
I growled at her, and she wriggled from my grasp, bring her hand in an arc to catch my jaw again. I grabbed her arm, too late this time, and pulled her in, like lovers going to embrace, to dance… But this was a deadly one, and one she knew well.
She moved gracefully and twisted her arm around to punch me in the face with her other hand. I grabbed her wrist with my free hand, feeling warm, wet trickle down the side of my face.
I grasped my hands around her waist and snapped, “You’ll pay for killing my parents!”
Zoe brought her knee up, I yelled in pain, “You’ll pay for the sins of your parents!” She cried back.
”What the hell did they ever do to you?!”
”They killed my parents!” She choked out, just as we locked together, “They destroyed my race!”
I looked down at her, towering over her, and saw tears cascading down her face and dripping from her lashes.
The ‘touch’ on her smelt delectable, and yet her words lost me, “How could they? You are one of us.” I said, sure of it.
But she shook her head, biting down on her lip, “No… I am not.” She pulled away, I felt the motion as though I had performed it myself, “Do some research before you go hunting! Look up Shapeshifters! Look up my parents! Then come and kill me.” She shoved me away and hurried to her friend, helping her up, and putting her arm around her shoulders. I watched them hurry off.
Not realizing Eliesya had appeared beside me. She sensed the ‘touch’ on me and seemed oblivious to what had just happened.
She ran her hands up and down my sides and licked her lips, pressing close to me, “Hmm... Now can we go home or something? I need a good sleeeeep!” She yawned playfully and I pulled away from her.
”No!” I snarled harshly, “I have things to do!” She looked about to protest, “Don’t you know your place?” I roared, she nodded slightly, and I turned to go, feeling only a little bad at taking my anger out on her.
She followed, sulking, and then I gave up. I shot her my best smile, it was so half hearted I’m amazed she didn’t notice, and said, “Let’s find someplace to sleep... and relax!”
She grinned now, and hurried to walk beside me, one hand in my back pocket, and her head on my shoulder.

Pet Treasure

Small Pin Vise Bit

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