
Noxamor has a minion!

Keeper the Little Collector

Legacy Name: Noxamor

The Graveyard Mahar
Owner: Coen

Age: 8 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 4th, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 4th, 2015


  • Level: 26
  • Strength: 65
  • Defense: 65
  • Speed: 66
  • Health: 65
  • HP: 65/65
  • Intelligence: 94
  • Books Read: 94
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Incense Burner


-----------[ quiet, Empathetic, capable ]-----------

First and foremost Noxamor is not comfortable around people. He's been very obviously injured but has no memory of what happened or when. The massive scarring across his body means that he spends most of his time indoors away from the sun, and this mixed with his horrific appearance mean that most people generally avoid him. Noxamor is entirely blind (despite having so many eyes), but he can read braille and hear well enough to be entirely autonomous.

Noxamor has taken to alchemy and brewing potions, and is very talented even without his sight. He mainly gets his ingredients from Astrol, who grows anything requested of him, as well as Khan and Khalil. When he does have to find his own ingredients he mainly finds them by smell, but sometimes touch as well, and Noxamor can often be found with dirt on his knees and fingers. He will also sometimes utilize Rayoir's friendship and eyes to go foraging when he is feeling sociable.

Rayoir and Ambrose are the only two people Noxamor is comfortable calling his friends. He will often spend time reading up on brewing nearby when Rayoir is working with metals, mostly because he likes the heat and smell of the kilns and forge. Rayoir has also amassed a collection of books for Noxamor, and tends to mother him whenever possible. Noxamor is aware that Rayoir's actions have a deeper meaning for his troubled friend, and only allows them because of this, as he doesn't like to be treated differently whenever possible. Ambrose is an entierly other story. Ambrose is an unerring optimistic individual, who seems to only see the best in people. Noxamor does not often get to the Underground, but on one of his last trips there he met Ambrose while they were baking. Noxamor, originally enticed by the smell of actual baked goods in the Underground, is quickly charmed by Ambrose. Noxamor is unlikely to admit it out loud, but has started going back more often to see them.

Noxamor's amnesia has caused a decent amount of concern among many of his acquaintances, most of all Raku. When he was last visiting Dsurion (with whom he will sometimes discuss mental health) the man was already in conversation with another person. Dsurion was speaking with Raku, who, upon seeing Noxamor, immediately started getting emotional. Raku claims to be Noxamor's brother and had previously thought the young man dead. Evidently, Noxamor (who had been called Nel beforehand) had disappeared a year prior. Raku was very understanding when Noxamor was uncomfortable with the strong emotions that he did not share with the brother he did not remember. The two are slowly getting to know each other again.

Gender: male
Height: 5'6"
Age: unknown
Birthday: unknown
Sexual orientation: unsure, unsure
Relationship status: single (interested)
Favorite color: N/A
Health problems/Physical anomalies: Entirely blind (in every eye), massive scarring across his entire body. Horns.

Pet Treasure

Tangle of Eyes

Green Bottled Butterfly


Pet Friends