
Lenin has a minion!

Trotsky the Firefox

Legacy Name: Lenin

The Reborn Noktoa
Owner: jeremycorbyn

Age: 8 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 11th, 2016

Adopted: 8 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 11th, 2016


  • Level: 66
  • Strength: 102
  • Defense: 72
  • Speed: 28
  • Health: 66
  • HP: 66/66
  • Intelligence: 346
  • Books Read: 333
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Personal Organizer on Legs

There are two people in line. They've been queuing for hours, caps pulled low over their eyes, dusty overcoats still reeking of yesterday's vodka (a futile attempt to forget).

"Have you heard?" One says to the other: a whisper. "They say the revolution's on its way."

The other shakes his head. He's heard such things before, marched in front of the Winter Palace only to be drowned in the blood of his comrades. It's dangerous to hope. "It has been here before. Left. Look what it gave us."

He doesn't need to recall the specific friends and family it cost because the bodies lie heavily in their memory every moment of every day. It's not something to forget.

"Katya took part in the strikes on International Women's Day."

"Look where that got her."

That silences the other man for a moment. He thinks deeply and considers peace, bread, land and all power to the soviets. Then he spits on the ground.

"When are you due to return to active service?"

His companion laughs. It's an ugly sound. "One week." One week until it's back to the cold; the rifles so few and far between; the aborted offensives that kill hundreds of thousands based on the Tsar's whims.

If there's one resource this country has it's people. They throw them at the canons like it could compensate for weapons misfiring from rust and three days with bread.

He lowers his voice to a whisper. "I hear that Krondstadt sailors are planning something."

"Don't get any ideas." There's a cold authority to his tone. "Remember what happened to the Potemkin? The response... his response is to send the cossaks straight away. Mutiny is a death sentence."

"They can't kill us all."

Elsewhere a man steps out of exile and onto a train platform. He comes from Germany, and he brings the revolution with him, for better or worse.

Pet Treasure


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Golden Noktoa Beanbag

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Arid Noktoa Beanbag

Cream Noktoa Plushie

Cream Noktoa Beanbag

Common Noktoa Plushie

Common Noktoa Beanbag

Marsh Noktoa Plushie

Marsh Noktoa Beanbag

Sun Noktoa Plushie

Sun Noktoa Beanbag

Dawn Noktoa Plushie

Dawn Noktoa Beanbag

Lilac Noktoa Plushie

Lilac Noktoa Beanbag

Dusk Noktoa Plushie

Dusk Noktoa Beanbag

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Field Noktoa Beanbag

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Nuclear Noktoa Beanbag

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Twilight Noktoa Beanbag

Pet Friends