
Lucifyr has a minion!

Inpu the Fauxull

Legacy Name: Lucifyr

The Bloodred Telenine
Owner: Dahlia_474

Age: 8 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: February 6th, 2016

Adopted: 8 years, 4 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: February 6th, 2016


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 31
  • Books Read: 31
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Underpaid Art Student Intern

- veritas diaboli manet in aeternum -

It's a cold winter night, despite the cold you decide to take a walk. You've only just moved to town and you want to get to know the area. You're used to being alone, so you're not scared to walk around by yourself at night. Besides, you've heard nothing but good things about this town, so what's there to worry about?

About a mile from your house is a nice little park. Nothing but the sounds of the wind and the chains from the swings clinking can be heard. The silence is haunting, but also somewhat comforting in a way. You decide to sit on one of the swings to see just how high you can go. Maybe you'll get a better look around from up there, anyway. You push yourself off and soon your swinging your way up to the stars. You haven't felt this free in a long time, you almost forget you were supposed to be exploring. From being so high up in the air, you notice a faint, dirt path amongst the foliage. Where could this lead to?

- video meliora proboque deteriora sequor -

You slow yourself down enough to jump off and land perfectly in the grass. (Nice.) As you make your way to the path, you catch a whiff of something like that of copper or iron. Could there be a blacksmith nearby? You highly doubt it, this is a park. As you get closer, the smell becomes more definite. Blood. Hopefully you don't have to see what's eminating that odious smell, because you still decide to continue to the path. You make your way through the branches, swatting at the bugs. (They must be sticking around for the smell.) As you're walking, though, it's almost as if it gets quieter, but your feelings of loneliness are quickly fading. Someone is following you.

Instead of turning around to see if someone's there, you go with your gut feeling; someone is definitely there. Run. You're running as fast as you can, making sure not to trip over any fallen branches or big stones. You can't look back, you know they're close. The smell of blood gets stronger, thicker, as if you were covered in it yourself. If you don't think quick, this could be the end. You decide to go off the path and straight into the woods. It's even darker now, and there isn't a clear path so there's no more running. Time to hide.

- vita incerta, mors certissima -

You find a large enough tree, so you quickly dodge behind it, covering yourself with surrouning bushes and leaves. Holding your breath, you look around, listening. Is there something actually following you? Is it all in your head? Moments go by, you hear nothing and see nothing. You can finally breathe. Maybe it was all in your head! That smell of blood definitely isn't, though. Gross. You want to leave the forest you ended up in, but you've come across a giant problem: you have no idea how you got here. You went off path. Nice going.

You get up, and before you can even turn around, you already know. You can feel it. It wasn't all in your head. They found you. You can't stop shaking, all you wanted was to take a nice walk and now you're probably going to die.

- ave satanas, ave domini inferni -

"Please don't hurt me!" you exclaim. You see a tall dark figure standing before you, unsure if they're a man or woman... or even human. "You must be new around here," they retorted. A considerably warm hand traces it's long, bony fingers across the nicks and scratches on your broken face. "You got all these running from little ol' me?" An icy smirk shines across the figures face, and you finally see what looks to be a woman dressed in black. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Yet." she laughs, stepping back a bit to let you help yourself up. What does she mean 'yet'? Even though you're not as scared as before, you're still wary of the strange woman. Something about her isn't normal. "You're right," she grabs your chin and looks deep into your eyes, sending chills down your spine. "I'm not human."

work in progress

Pet Treasure

Severed Goat Head

Murders 101

Monstrous Tales

Book of Demons I

Grave Reminder

Morostide Cape of Grim Tidings

Bleeding Skull Pumpkin Essence Summoning Candle

Dark Death Potion

Bloody Ocarina

Heart on a Stick

Guts Kebab

Fake Bloodred Potion

Pet Friends

Glass Axolotl

