
skull king has a minion!

eyeball the Skabre

skull king
Legacy Name: skull king

The Graveyard Telenine
Owner: fester

Age: 8 years, 4 months, 5 days

Born: February 24th, 2016

Adopted: 8 years, 4 months, 5 days ago

Adopted: February 24th, 2016


  • Level: 56
  • Strength: 44
  • Defense: 36
  • Speed: 68
  • Health: 19
  • HP: 18/19
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Books Read: 9
  • Food Eaten: 41
  • Job: Store Clerk

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i used to be...alive. i was so happy, my people loved me, and i returned that love tenfold. we went on long walks in deep, dense forests. we played together. sometimes i even snuck in their bed.

we were on one of those long walks when i got bit. something charged at my person from within the woods. something...horrible. it was ravenous with hunger, frothing from a bloody mouth. i ran at it, with all my strength i fought it. my only want was to push it back into those lush, looming trees. eventually it faltered. it struggled, scraped and pawed at the bloody earth, then it ran.

i didn't feel the pain at first, but my person rushed to me. they kneeled down, and gently looked over the bite marks on my body. i was a mess. they carried me the rest of the way home, crying into my fur. i felt strange. i was so...HUNGRY. I WANTED BLOOD. I NEEDED FLESH- I shook violently in my person's arms. i tried to push the violent images from my mind.

i was rushed to the nice person in the smelly building, with cold metal tables. so many needles. after that...darkness. i awoke in the ground. it was so hard to breathe, but i didn't need to. i would've shivered from the bleak cold, but i couldn't feel it. i dug my way out, slowly. i had all the time in the world anyway. i longed with all my heart to return home, but once glance in a muddy puddle took that longing from me. i was no longer myself. i was unrecognizable. my flesh was rotten, my eyes were blood red. I WAS A MONSTER.

i found another nice person. she's really weird, but so am i. now i collect bones. i try to control my urges, but they sometimes get the best of me. i still walk in the forest, where it's deep and dark. if you ever see me there, please -   R U N

- ☠️ -

profile template by Lea. (ty!!)
story written by fester.

Pet Treasure

Circle ID Tag

Grave Reminder

Lost Man


Moldy Mug


Moldy Atebus Cheese

Bone Soup

The Graveyard

Graveyard Chinese Take-Out

Sour Scream and Onion Bone Chips

Graveyard Star Rod

Graveyard Potion Plushie

Never Heart Cookie

Poison Cake

White Ghostish Beanbag

Pet Friends