
Liutauras has a minion!

Minion the Panki

Legacy Name: Liutauras

The Darkmatter Jollin
Owner: Sunfang

Age: 7 years, 11 months, 1 week

Born: July 3rd, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 11 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 3rd, 2016


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

It was a cold rain on a hot day. The rain fell quickly, making small ripples of water as they bounced off the ground. The ground hissed and clouds of steam rose from it, as if to protest the sudden rain. All around the wind was roaring with tree branches moving faster than my eyes could track them. The trees cracked and groaned and begged the storm to stop. Shingles from my neighbor's roof flew into the street, carried away by rivers of water. The streets flooded and pooled. A bolt of pure heat and light hit just outside my window, sending tides of thunder racing across the sky. I watched the rain get toyed with by the wind as it sent the small droplets every-which-way. Would it ever stop?

I wondered if anyone I knew was out there. Caught up in the storm, getting drenched by an angry, cold storm. Another crack of lightening hit just outside my window, this time its thunder shaking the house. I backed away. It's easy to forget how powerful nature could be. My room was dull and humdrum - a bed, a tv, a desk, a wardrobe, a computer. It was dull compared to the force just outside my house. There was no sound, all was quiet, the room was timid. The house shook again giving way to thunder. The darkness of the room cast a sullen silence on me. Would the storm ever end?

I stared at my computer, wishing to join my friends online. But the power was out. I wondered if I'd ever see them again. Would they forget me? Do they miss me? The computer screen stared mockingly at me, as if taunting me I couldn't turn it on, feeding my loneliness and fear. The wind howled outside. The rain beat down upon the house with no sign of mercy. I felt like the trees. Tossed and toyed with by the storm, my leaves all turned up in fright. I sat down on my bed. There was nothing more to do. The rain came fast. It's crashing and dropping sounding like a million hoof beats on the ground. Thoughts of horses filled my mind, and I fell asleep.

I yawned and looked at the clock. Two hours had passed. I don't remember the last time I slept so well. Looking out my window, the storm had stopped. The sun was out, casting rays of joy on my window, smiling as if nothing had happened. The rain had washed all but my thoughts away. The only evidence of the storm were puddles that birds happily sang and splashed in. The wind was gentle, and the trees now sang with glee that their torment was over. Any passerby would not have believed how harsh it was not long ago. I walked and sat down at my computer desk. The power was back on, and I felt very lonely.

With a groan my computer turned on. I could see my friends online.
"Where have you been? Did something happen?" one of them asked.
"Nothing happened," I replied.

Pet Treasure

Bloodred Mouse

Sudden Rainstorms

Sad Rainy Sticker

Rain Scented Candle

Phaloroceas Rain Charm

Happy Little Cloud

Four-Sided Dice

Onyx Twenty-sided Die

Mousy Mouse


Magical CD

White Monitor

Blue Headset

Open-Faced Seekh Kebab on Naan

Fiery Mouse

Black Keyboard

Gourmet Ham and Swiss Sandwich

All Day Breakfast Sandwich

Mouse Plushie

Black Mouse

Blue Precision Gaming Mouse

G Sticker

G Sticker

Black Ten-sided Dice


Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Pet Friends