
Willows has a minion!

Montgomery the Wintachilla

Legacy Name: Willos

The Angelic Montre
Owner: Justice

Age: 7 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: February 12th, 2017

Adopted: 7 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: February 12th, 2017


  • Level: 63
  • Strength: 87
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 125
  • Books Read: 125
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Scribe to the Goddess


Lawful - Recovering - Lost

Full Name: Amanda Willos
Age: 29
Pronouns: She/her

Orientation: Doesn't say, but is bisexual
Occupation: Considering Private Investigation
Other: After years of substance abuse, Amanda lost her hard earned detective job. She is still recovering from everything she's been put through from the last decade.

Rain silently pelted the window I stared out of. I poured a dash of cream into my mug before pouring in some coffee, It was going to be a quiet morning. My joints in my left leg ached, but it was still a miracle that that was all they did now. Ache.... it used to be excruciating, every day. Muscle spasms, nerve pain, joint pain, arthritis, every single day. It ruined my life. Sighing softly I made my way to a bar stool in front of my kitchens island, watching the rain from the window sink. Taking a sip of coffee I reminded myself I was happy to be alive, that I had survived the worst year of my life and now I just have to continue recovering. Losing a job you worked your ass off of nearly a decade to achieve was horrific. When you can no longer control yourself, when you've lost everything to the pain you thought would be there forever. You wonder if life is really worth it. It was hard to look back. Hospital stays, induced comas, a complete hip, and knee replacement. An experimental surgery I had waited nearly three years for; physio, therapy, rehab, finally winning the court case against the doctor that ruined my leg after nearly eight years of fighting and fighting. Yet, after all that I knew I still had lost my dream job. After all the work and healing, it was still gone. The surgery worked, the nerve pain was reduced to the point it wasn't a bother, the artificial joints don't hurt to move. My muscle spasms and cramping is gone, I had forgotten what is was like to live without pain. I feel angry that it took so long to get my body to this point, that I had to live with the pain for years. That every year I had more and more pain. That it'd result in me becoming addicted to multiple substances. That it'd result in my bad behaviour, and having that behaviour result in being forced to step off the force. Now that that the avalanche had stopped, and I was unburied from the depths of the snow... what was I going to do? Just sit in my cabin and sulk?

I rested my cheek on my hand as I glanced at my phone. I had no messages, I didn't have many contacts left in it. The last two years I had ruined the majority of my connections. All my old colleagues didn't need my number either, so there weren't many people left on the list. Turning on a music playlist I pondered the next step to take for the day. Flicking the screen I brought up a job advertisement app and scrolled through the list. I kept trying to find something that intrigued me. I had gained a lot of money from the court case. I could go back to school if needed. I was still young. Younger than I felt. The world could be my oyster if I so chose. Yet nothing interested me. I wanted to go back to the field, investigating, questioning, concluding. Being a detective was my calling, it was in my genetics. I wanted to be better than my father, but after the last two years; I realized I was so much more like him than I wanted to ever be. That disgrace almost made it okay to not be a detective anymore. Why would I go back to law if I was going to be even a little bit like him?

Turning the phone off I turned my face to the living room beside the kitchen. It was sparsely but comfortably furnished, nothing fancy since I put comfort ahead of style. A large television with acouple game consoles attached, I hadn't played video games for years. Now they were a very important part of my sanity. A large, multiple leveled steel cage sat beside a large window looking out to the front of the property. In the cage I spotted the nose of one of my chinchillas peaking out from her nest. "Must be a lazy day for you girls too, huh?". The nose twitched when I spoke, her head peaking out more so her whole head was out. Big ears popping up. "Expecting breakfast?" I bemusedly asked.

Pet Treasure

SAI Junior Agent Badge

Common Six-Shooter

Bloody Flashlight

Black Tangerine Laptop

Digital Camera

Extra Strength Pain Pills


Port Plunder Port Wine

Light Wood Carved Skeleton Cane

Drunk and Drunker: An Alcohol Safety Guide

The Mistakes We Make

Torn Instructions Page III

Torn Instructions Page II

Torn Instructions Page I




Pet Friends