
Wistar has a minion!

Male #12 the Fliter

Legacy Name: Wistar

The Graveyard Wyllop
Owner: Xenosaurus

Age: 16 years, 2 days

Born: June 20th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: June 20th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 41
  • Books Read: 40
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Wistar: A strain of albino rats commonly used as laboratory animals.

Henry Silvester
Head researcher of the Centropolis Center for Brain Disease
Status: Unknown


From the journal of Doctor Silvester
Entry 14, May 11th, 2039
We received our next shipment of rats this morning. The whole crew seems anxious to begin our experiments, but I'd like to thoroughly check the safety mechanisms this time. We've still only found one of the three rats that escaped from the last trial.

Entry 19, May 16th, 2039
When I got in this morning, male #43 was missing from his cage. The door was unfastened, so I have no doubt that it was one of the newer laboratory assistants being absent-minded. Regardless, the bacterial treatments we've been giving the rats is potentially harmful to the animals, and it important that we locate the escapees before they have a chance to infect anything else.

Entry 22, May 19th, 2039
We have located one of the two females still missing from the original trial. She appears to have developed violent tendencies, biting and clawing at anything that moves near her. A few of the other rats from the first trial are displaying similar traits, attacking one another in a particularly vicious fashion. The violent rats seem to be eating less, and have been quarantined after killing a number of seemingly healthy rats. We are looking into the problem, but I suspect it might be with the bacterial genes we've been using.

Entry 25, May 22nd, 2039
One of the rats bit Doctor Simon this afternoon while he was feeding group B. We treated it quickly, and he appears to be fine. Six more rats have been killed by the more violent rats, which continue popping up in the previously healthy cages, and a few of those that have been bitten without fatal force are now displaying the same symptoms as the violent rats. The female from trial one and the male from trial two are still unaccounted for.

Entry 27, May 24nd, 2039
Doctor Simon's injury has become infected, and he has a slight fever, but he came to work this morning anyways. The male from trial two has finally been located, although the last remaining of the three original escaped rats is still unfound. The violent rats from group B killed another rat over night, and appeared to be eating it instead of their untouched food this morning. I am rather disturbed by this development, and fear that something has gone seriously wrong.

Entry 29, May 26th, 2039
Doctor Simon has become increasingly irritable and unreliable. The wound on his hand has swollen and is filled with pus, but he won't let anyone touch it, as he's become unusually paranoid these last few days. The group B rats have stopped eating entirely, and the group A rats have begun to attack each other as well. Most of the trial one rats have died, and the few that are still alive are acting increasingly similar to the group B rats. I have determined that it is, in fact, the bacterial injections that are causing this effect, as the control group rats are behaving normally.

Entry 34, May 31st, 2039
Doctor Simon was arrested last night. From the stories I've been hearing, he bit through his wife's shoulder, bone and all. A number of lab assistants quit upon hearing the news, and I really do not blame them. Doctor Simon's behavior is alarmingly similar to the rats. The violent animals have just about wiped out the healthy ones by now, and there is still no sign of the original escaped female. Those of us that remain are introducing the control group rats to those with bacterial infections this afternoon, in hopes of better understanding the bite-transmission that this strange new disease seems to be using.

Entry 35, June 14th, 2039
Doctor Simon has become almost completely feral, incapable of speech and mindlessly violent. The lab was shut down for two weeks while his condition was investigated, but we've finally gained permission to return, on the grounds of investigating the cause of his illness. As expected, the violent rats have eaten the control group rats. The remaining rats seem unhealthy, with fur falling out and rashy, oozy skin remaining behind. The rats lunge at anyone who comes near them, but they seem to have been avoiding a single rat from the control group, tagged as male #12, who appears to have been bitten but shows no signs of the violence. We have separated him from the others.

Pet Treasure


Zombie Growth Tracking

Ice Gummy Rats


Rat Tail

Empty Vial

Skeletal Rat

Jar Of Zombie Drool

Zombies 101

Zombie Bite Patterns

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Doctor Mask

Purple Zombie Book

Sewing for Zombies

Trendy Black Glasses

Bad Taxidermy Scuttle Rat

Pet Friends