
choi has a minion!

mend the Brokd


The Nostalgic Kanis
Owner: smile

Age: 6 years, 11 months, 3 weeks

Born: April 30th, 2017

Adopted: 6 years, 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 30th, 2017

Pet Spotlight Winner
February 3rd, 2023


got a needle?

cause i have thread,
and so many holes to mend.

I REMEMBER waking up like this one day, with my seams falling apart all over me, my stuffing leaking out, unable to make a word, unable to cry, just spilling out all around. 

And it became my normal.
I woke up,
and it was new,
and it was wrong,
but I did not question it.

I REMEMBER sewing myself up for the first time. I held the needle and thread in my shaking grip and stared at it, unfocused. No one else around me had holes in them. No one else around me was dripping stuffing.

And the needle went in,
sewing each hole shut,
thread winding up and over,
down and under,
until all my holes were gone.

I REMEMBER when I first met someone like myself; someone with patchwork skin and spotted memory to match their own hand-sewn, duct-taped body.  Our fabric, old, imperfect, rough as it was, looked beautiful together. 

And I no longer had to mend my own holes,
as I had an extra hand,
some extra love,
and a friend.


story by me.
needle img (c) webstockreview
profile template by piers.

Pet Treasure

Nostalgic Kanis Toy

Blue Craft Scissors

Spool of White Thread


Black and White Sewing Tin

Safety Pins

Blue Scrap of Fabric

Hand Sewing Needles

Knitted Kanis Plushie

Spool of Black Thread

Kanis Safety Scissors

Pet Friends