
Nessia has a minion!

peets the Dozy Doats

Legacy Name: Nessia

The Angelic Kora
Owner: nervous

Age: 6 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 22nd, 2017

Adopted: 3 years, 1 week, 5 days ago

Adopted: April 25th, 2021


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 32
  • Defense: 24
  • Speed: 24
  • Health: 25
  • HP: 25/25
  • Intelligence: 100
  • Books Read: 100
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Part-Time Test Subject

Genesis 1:11-12
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Guardian Angels: New York, 1892.

It is a beautiful day out at Waggish Woods Academy. The sun is golden and warm, the sky is a deep cerulean blue, and the clouds are fluffy and white. You can almost imagine little smiley faces on each one.
You are visiting Waggish Woods Academy as a part of a project that takes you to meet the Angels and Elioud of the Academy, as well as the librarians, and of course, the headmaster. But you heard amazing things about the garden, and wanted to see if for yourself. Such beauty could not be real, could it? It was unfathomable.
You walk up the sparkling cobblestone path towards the towering golden gates of the garden.
Then, you hear the becoming-familiar sound of small wings pitting and pattering together as an angel approaches you.
Nessia greets you at the gates of the garden.

Angel of Peace, 1901.

"Good morning!"
The little angel before you is very beautiful. Her eyes are bright and her smile is gentle. Her wings flutter in a rhythm that makes you feel like you are safe with her.
"Hello," you greet back. Although you do not know this angel, you feel very calm in her presence.
"You're the human wanderer visiting, right?" Her smile touches the apples of her cheeks. "You're quite cute! I love humans."
"I am," you blush at her innocent comment. "May I come in?"
Nessia slowly drifts down so her feet are touching the ground. "Yes, of course. But please remove your shoes before stepping inside. Headmaster's rules!"
You kick off your loafers as Nessia fiddles with the gate. She whispers a few words, and the lock undoes itself, landing in her small hands. "Come in!"
You step into the garden.
You feel a deep peace consume you. All your doubts, worries, and thoughts leave your body, warmed by sunlight, as you approach the garden. You are left with pure serenity.
Your eyes widen.

Immaculate Conception, 1896

The garden is beautiful in a way that you never knew could exist in the human world. The lush grass stretches out before you, glistening with morning dew that looks like a million diamonds. There are flowers of every kind here: roses, tulips, daises, glories, irises, ochids, poppies... and the trees! Beautiful trees with rich velvety leaves and immaculate, gentle brown bark. There are marble staircases leading up the rolling hills of the garden, over clear blue streams, and into the unknown. The birds are singing happily, all in harmony, mantras of beautiful high notes surrounds you. You can see bunnies and lambs dancing over the hills and they look at you with a welcoming glint in their eyes. You stare in wonder at the sight before you.
It is the most beautiful garden you could have ever hoped for.
Nessia is fluttering next to you and she is smiling. "Welcome to our Garden. This is where it all started. This is where life was brought to Waggish Woods Academy, and where the fruits of our labor produce beautiful plants. You must remember though, our Garden can only stay as the purest form of Earth if Waggish Woods Academy remains at peace with the Humans. Do you think you can help us with that?"
You nod to Nessia with a calm finality. That's what you're here to do.


Headmaster of Waggish Woods Academy. Intelligent, warm, sharp.

Arch-librarian. Very wise, incredibly conscious of his students.

Assistant arch-librarian. Artistic, inspired, holy.

Verses of Interest
Story, Art, & Edits by nervous
Searchable Bible
Images from Library of Congress
No known restrictions on publication.
Background by wallpaper safari
Fonts from google
Template by Lea

Pet Treasure

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Fallen Dogwood Blossoms


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Oatmeal Plushie

Doctor Bunny

Learning Bunny

Garden Bunny

Cop Bunny

Craft Bunny

Fresh Silk Bloom Crown

Iridescent Butterfly Suncatcher

Blooming Cake

Sweet White Bunny Bandana

Snake Plant Pot Plushie

Bottled Rays of Pure Sunshine

Bottled Rays of Warm Sunshine

Bottled Rays of Misty Sunshine

Bottled Rays of Rich Sunshine

Bottled Rays of Golden Sunshine


Classic Floral Arrangement

Spring Raven Plushie

White Chocolate Vesnali Cookie

Enchanted Flower Vase

Suspiciously Normal Flower

Abundant Out Like a Lamb Doll

Playful Out Like a Lamb Doll

Fat Bee Sticker

Sugar Bunny Buns

Cocoa Bunny Buns

Blue Butterfly Suncatcher

Cinnamon Bunny Buns

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Frolicking Daisy

Frolicking Sunflower

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Hessian and Lace Owl Beanbag

Iridescent Butterfly Suncatcher

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Marvelous Spatuletail

Monochrome Butterfly Suncatcher

Oatmeal in Lederhosen Plushie

Orange Butterfly Suncatcher

Painted Lady


Spring Kitty

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Unclutter Your Mind

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Fallen Magnolia Blossoms

Fallen Wisteria Blossoms


Good Egg

Pet Friends