
Shihab Bardhyl has a minion!

Betelgeuse the Svarta

Shihab Bardhyl
Legacy Name: Shihab Bardhyl

The Galactic Warador
Owner: luxidoptera

Age: 6 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: August 12th, 2017

Adopted: 6 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 12th, 2017


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


wish i may, wish i might
be someone else tonight

sometimes i wish
i was never born at all.

A Warador who doesn't live up to his kind's sinister reputation...and lives a life of internal conflict and self loathing. He's aware of the fact that most of his kind is known as evil and malicious, but he's a sweetheart down to the core and has no desire to hurt anyone, perish the thought. Unfortunately, he's let the reputation get to him. He spends a large majority of his time trying to be friendly and helpful to push the self-loathing thoughts away, like he has to prove to himself that he's not a bad person.

profile by User not found: seul
art and story by luxidoptera
song lyrics from chosen one - mona lisa overdrive

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