
Elua has a minion!

Cassiel the Pensive Muse

Legacy Name: Elua

The Glade Clawsion
Owner: Revelation

Age: 6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 31st, 2017

Adopted: 6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 31st, 2017


  • Level: 36
  • Strength: 89
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 110
  • Books Read: 107
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Sod Layer

Love as Thou Wilt

The sin of Blessed Elua was that he loved too well earthly things.

' Blessed Elua came to be; how when Yeshua ben Yosef hung dying upon the cross, a soldier of Tiberium pierced his side with the cruel steel of a spearhead. How when Yeshua was lowered, the women grieved, and the Magdelene most of all, letting down the ruddy gold torrent of her hair to clothe his still, naked figure. How the bitter salt tears of the Magdelene fell upon soil ensanguined and moist with the shed blood of the Messiah.
And from this union the grieving Earth engendered her most precious son; Blessed Elua, most cherished of angels.'

'...Scorned by the One God of whose son he was begotten, Elua trod with bare feet on the bosom of his mother Earth and wandered singing, and where he went, flowers bloomed in his footprints.'

During this time the mind of the One God was much preoccupied with the death of his son, Yeshua ben Yosef, and the course of his chosen people. The time of deities does not move like our own, and three generations may live and die in the space between one thought and another. When the songs of the D’Angelines reached his ears, he turned his eye to Terre d’Ange, to Elua and those who had fled Heaven to follow him. The One God sent his commander-in-chief to fetch them back and bring Elua to stand before the throne, but Elua met him smiling and gave him the kiss of peace, laying wreaths of flowers about his neck and filling his glass with sweet wines, and the leader of God’s host returned ashamed and empty-handed.
It came then to the One God that his persuasion held no sway over Elua, in whose veins ran the red wine of his mother Earth, through the womb she gave him and the tears of the Magdelene. And yet through this he was mortal, and thus subject to mortality. The One God pondered long, and sent not the angel of death, but his arch-herald to Elua and those who followed him. “Do you stay here and love as you wilt, thy offspring shall overrun the earth,” said the herald of the One God. “And this is a thing which may not be. Come now in peace to the right hand of your God and Lord, and all is forgiven.”
Blessed Elua smiled at the arch-herald, and turned to his boon companion Cassiel, holding out his hand for his knife. Taking it, he drew the point across the palm of his hand, scoring it. Bright blood welled from his palm and fell in fat drops to the earth, and anemones bloomed. "My grandfather's Heaven is bloodless,” Elua told the arch-herald, "and I am not. Let him offer me a better place, where we may love and sing and grow as we are wont, where our children and our children's children may join us, and I will go."

"The statue of Elua that stands in the great temple is one of the oldest works of D’Angeline art. By some reckoning, it is crude, but I have never thought so. It is carved of marble, and vaster than the size of a man. He stands with unbound hair and an eternal smile, gaze cast down upon this world. Both hands are empty. One is extended in offering, and the other is scored with the mark of his wound, the blood he shed to mark his affinity with humankind."
— Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève

from the Kushiel's Legacy series

Pet Treasure


Pet Friends
