
Legacy Name: Annya

The Chibi Anyu
Owner: RebellingRaven

Age: 6 years, 8 months, 1 week

Born: September 23rd, 2017

Adopted: 6 years, 8 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: September 23rd, 2017


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 26
  • Defense: 22
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Books Read: 7
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Post-Fight Clean Up

✻ Aŋŋƴα the Chibi Anyu,When Annya and her brother were born they were both very small for Anyu's. She looked up to her brother but as we all know, Boys Will Be Boys. So they play fought a lot. Mom was always on the hunt and taught her pups how to stay warm from the icy cold winds in Arctic Frost. The pups grew very slowly since there was a lack of food they both stayed relatively small. Their mom would refer to them as Chibi Annya and Chibi Annyo. As the pups fought and got more confident, they decided to explorer while mom was out... It was fine at first, it was a lovely day. Slight snow fall but the wind wasn't as harsh. But then again it maybe didn't feel that cold cause of all the clothes Annya was wearing, her little hat, her scarf and of course some socks. Getting cold feet is never a good thing right? As they were exploring the outside world without mom, Annyo felt the urge to play fight. as usual. They started to play fight and it got a little loud drawing too much attention to the little pups. A big adult male Anyu noticed the noise and came to see what was going on. After stalking the two playing cubs it realised they were alone... Since the winter was so harsh there was hardly any food so the cubs looked like a perfect meal. As the big adult male approached Annya noticed and stopped playing. Annyo turned around to see why she looked so scared. As he saw the other Anyu he got defensive defending his weaker sister. With one hit Annyo flew into the air and hit a tree and didn't get up. Annya run as fast as she could. Back, back home, where it's safe. Tears rolling down her face as she ran. She heard him chase her, but eventually she was alone... She was small and fast enough to get away she hid in the hole she was born, waiting, crying... Hoping mom would come back soon...When mom got back they both went to the spot where it all happend. Annya hiding underneath mom... Mom was heartbroken...She took her baby boy... but the damage had already been done...On their way back the male that attacked Annyo attacked them. Mom defending Annya. Mom was smaller and not as strong as the big male.Annya took off with the remains of her brother. Run, run, run as fast as she could. Back, back to the den. She waited... And waited... Days go by... But mom is not here... She ate all the berries she could find... As the winter turns to spring and Annya is one year old she still is small. She trained every day, to get stronger. Like her brother once was. She never wanted to see anyone else get hurt cause of her.She kept her brother's skull to remember him by... And the Potion her mom always kept in the den. Mom always said it was for a good nights rest. She couldn't just leave him there or her mom's potion. She wandered cautiously and kept a low profile. She followed her nose something was smelling really good. She found a person with a small campfire and a tent. And more unknown items, mom always said to keep away from people. But the smell... smells so good and she was so hungry. ... IT'S FISH! Out of excitement she forgets the low profile and charges at the pile of fish. She forgot to see where she went and fell over some tree roots into the pile of raw fish. The human jumped up out of surprise. And saw a small hungry little Anyu. Annya looked frightened by the human so she sat down. "It's alright" Raven said. Raven picked up a fish the fell off the pile and gave it to Annya. "Here..." Raven said with a smile. "Have some." Annya looked at Raven and then at the fish and back to Raven. Her hunger made her forget what fear was and she snatched the fish and ran away into a bucket that was on it's side. Munch munch munch, nom nom nom. Annya ate the fish and Raven approached with yet another fish she laid it near the bucket and Annya snatched it and also ate it. After another fish Annya seemed full and stayed in the bucket as Raven was cooking some fish for herself. For a scary human this one isn't so bad? Annya felt so full... and before she knew it she fell asleep. She woke up and it was dark but there was still light outside and everything is soft. Where am I?! Annya jumped up and stepped with her foot in some water, Water! She drank from the bowl as she heard a soft giggle. She looked around and saw Raven. Raven softly reached out to her and she froze with fear. Raven softly petted her and Annya felt less scared. Maybe they're not so bad after all? After that Annya stuck around Raven and eventually Raven gave Annya her Ankle Bracelets so people knew she was not a wild Anyu anymore. Even though Annya was propperly fed by Raven she didn't grow up to be big. Despite all that Annya and Raven became closer. Raven noticed she always wanted to fight and train. So she decided to properly train Annya for battles. Annya's first battle in the Battle Coliseum and Raven knew she had talent despite being so small.That's where Annya is now, healthy and training. Determent to become a Battle Coliseum Champion.

Pet Treasure

Baby Anyu Skull Beanbag

Common Anyu Plushie

Anyu Stocking

Striped Anyu Print Scarf

Anyu Hat

Anyu Sleeping Powder

Life Mage Amulet

Anyu Playset

Furry Anyu Fury Bomb

Anyu Brass Knuckles

Winged Anyu Spiked Balls

Double Impact Anyu Hammer

Anyu Blade of Glory

Pet Friends