

The Angelic Feli
Owner: Beatriz

Age: 6 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: January 14th, 2018

Adopted: 6 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: January 14th, 2018


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

smth here.

and here.

x x x

Full Name: Holy
Species: Goddess/spirit
Age: Too long to count
Abilities: xxx
Goals: More treasure slots
Treasure chest items: Spirit, sacred, heaven items
Personality: Quiet, calm, serene and mysterious

Simple profile by Beatriz

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