
Legault has a minion!

Sumia the Wunofur

Legacy Name: Legault

The Riftborn Lasirus
Owner: Poryeron

Age: 6 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 23rd, 2018

Adopted: 6 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 23rd, 2018


[{WIP}]A strange creature with no memory of their past. Legault tries their best to be nice to anyone around them, even if they are a bit weird.

Pet Treasure

Cutesy Shooting Star Sticker

Cherry Tart Heart

Thumb Up Sticker

Smiley Marshmallow

Happy Thought Beanbag

Cheery Sun Sticker

Hearts Bandage

Red Sock Puppet

Pet Friends