
Okeani.hil has a minion!

Nereus the Rift Octo


The Riftborn Ontra
Owner: nemu459

Age: 3 years, 5 months, 4 weeks

Born: December 3rd, 2020

Adopted: 3 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 3rd, 2020


  • Level: 84
  • Strength: 158
  • Defense: 154
  • Speed: 152
  • Health: 150
  • HP: 130/150
  • Intelligence: 220
  • Books Read: 210
  • Food Eaten: 177
  • Job: Battle Master

Okeani.hil has always been quite the reckless Ontra.

With a distaste for boredom and a knack for getting into trouble, you really need to keep an eye on him at all times. That cute face and innocent demeanor of his are nothing but distractions: all the toys I buy him end up in pieces, the books he deems boring get shredded and little traps are hidden all around the house- ready to go off the moment you approach them.

It's hard to believe such a small creature holds this much energy inside, I gotta take him to out to play all the time so he can tire himself out before bedtime. But even when he plays a bit rough, we have fun together most of the day.

However... he can get a bit out of control.

Like that time when we visited Ziara City, up there in Atebus. He was the one who suggested it, and I agreed because the little brat promised me to behave. Half an hour later I was chasing him through the Galaxan Wastes cause he ''wanted to play extreme hide and seek'' and I lost my mind when he ended up jumping into the Rift (the best hiding spot apparently) and coming back as a little eldritch horror... with a bunch of new little friends for me to take care of.

It took some time for me to get used to it, he looks really different now... but he's still full of energy and mischief (and love, I hope!). I just have to remember to hide all the food really well... since now he can float up to places he was unable to reach before... and boy is he hungrier than ever!

Anyway! Okeani may be noisy, demanding and a little ball of chaos- but there's never a dull moment when he's around, and I love him for it!

Pet Treasure

Experiment 84 Plushie

Rift-Touched Coffee

The Thunder Stealer

Pet Friends

Okeani loves to bother Ophion, he's so calm!