
Quinn has a minion!

Reflerus the Snow Crystal Moth


The Glacier Hikei
Owner: nemu459

Age: 3 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 13th, 2020

Adopted: 3 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 13th, 2020


It was a cold winter morning when I ran into Quinn looking lost outside. I asked if he needed directions and he answered there was ''an important photoshoot coming'' and would need a place to stay for the season. Since there was still plenty of space at home, I invited him in.

I don't know if said photoshoot ever happened, cause Quinn tends to come and go as he pleases through the day... and keeps mostly to himself about what he does outside. Still, the seasons went by and he still lives here. At some point I told him to stop paying rent and all.

What little I've come to learn is that Quinn is interested in fashion and photography, and is currently working as a model. Which explains the familiar face. He is calm, collected and very cool, but very passionate about what he likes.

He may have a cold personality and a frozen touch, but he joins us for most meals, comes with us to the park and never misses movie night. Betraying the warm heart under all that ice.

Pet Treasure

Hikei Halos Cereal

Digital Camera

Fashion Magazine Prototype

Enchanted Frozen Bubbly

Pet Friends