
Gilda has a minion!

Rigoletto the Harlo


The Riftborn Urubu
Owner: Lyonid

Age: 3 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: May 17th, 2021

Adopted: 3 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: May 17th, 2021


  • Level: 52
  • Strength: 127
  • Defense: 117
  • Speed: 117
  • Health: 117
  • HP: 117/117
  • Intelligence: 60
  • Books Read: 58
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Nacho Manager

You open the bloody bag. Silence - a petal flies by as you look in utter surprise at this potpurri of bouquets. Something fills you with unease while the waterfall keeps rushing next to your desperate body. Where is that faithless killer that you so aimlessly led into his own demise? How else would you avenge your daughter? What is this curse that has plagued your life since the beginning of your clownery?

Any info was straight up copied from jensen's wonderful Bouquet Combinations guide. There are currently 57 bouquets in the game. Now get on with it, potato head!2022 Bouquets Requires x1 of Each Flower] Zinnia Bouquets
Hot Pink Zinnia Bouquet
Hot Pink Zinnia
Pink Bellflowers
White Zinnia Bouquet
White Zinnia
Lavender Bellflowers
Orange Zinnia Bouquet
Orange Zinnia
Black Bellflowers
Hydrangea Bouquets
Purple Hydrangea Bouquet
Purple Hydrangea
Yellow Mirabilis
Rainbow Hydrangea Bouquet
Rainbow Hydrangea
Pink and White Mirabilis
Blue Hydrangea Bouquet
Blue Hydrangea
White Mirabilis
Bearded Iris Bouquets
Sweet Bearded Iris Bouquet
Sky Bearded Iris
Pink Sweet Pea Sprig
Bashful Bearded Iris Bouquet
Dawn Bearded Iris
White Sweet Pea Sprig
Mysterious Bearded Iris Bouquet
Glory Bearded Iris
Lavender Sweet Pea Sprig
Teeming Gladiola Bouquets
Teeming Purple Gladiola Bouquet
Purple Gladiola
White Poppies
Pink Plum Blossom Sprig
Teeming Pink Gladiola Bouquet
Pink Gladiola
Pink Poppies
Red Plum Blossom Sprig
Teeming White Gladiola Bouquet
White Gladiola
Red Poppies
White Plum Blossom Sprig
Tumbling Jasmine Bouquets
Tumbling Whitebell Jasmine Bouquet
Whitebell Jasmine
Purple Gladiolus
Pink Valley Flower
Tumbling Rosy Jasmine Bouquet
Rosy Jasmine
White Gladiolus
Yellow Valley Flower
Tumbling Blue Jasmine Bouquet
Blue Jasmine
Pink Gladiolus
White Valley Flower
2021 BouquetsRequires x1 of Each Flower] Froggy Bouquet
Froggy Bouquet
Red Begonia
White Begonia
Green Begonia
Hateful Bouquet
Hateful Bouquet
Black Flame Rose
Purple Monkshood
Droopy Bouquets
Starry Night Droopy Bouquet
Violet Bluebells
Yellow Wisteria
Yellow Valley Flower
Daylight Sky Droopy Bouquet
Periwinkle Bluebells
Blue Wisteria
White Valley Flower
Draco Bouquets
Delicate Draco Bouquet
Lilac Rreign Flower
Dawn Snapdragarth
Purple Snapdragon
Fiery Draco Bouquet
Reborn Rreign Flower
Gold Snapdragarth
White Snapdragon
Dark Draco Bouquet
Twilight Rreign Flower
Arid Snapdragarth
Blue Snapdragon
2019 Bouquets Requires x1 of Each Flower Poppy Bouquets
Orange Poppy Bouquet
Orange Poppies
Red Periwinkle
Yellow Poppy Bouquet
Yellow Poppies
White Periwinkle
Red Poppy Bouquet
Red Poppies
White and Red Periwinkle
Pink Poppy Bouquet
Pink Poppies
Pale Coral Periwinkle
White Poppy Bouquet
White Poppies
Daisy Bouquets
Pink and White Daisy Bouquet
Pink Handful of Daisies
White Handful of Daisies
Pink and Yellow Daisy Bouquet
Pink Handful of Daisies
Yellow Handful of Daisies
Purple and White Daisy Bouquet
Purple Handful of Daisies
White Handful of Daisies
Violet and Purple Daisy Bouquet
Violet Handful of Daisies
Purple Handful of Daisies
Yellow and White Daisy Bouquet
Yellow Handful of Daisies
White Handful of Daisies
Bonnet Bouquets
Orange Bonnet Bouquet
Sprig of Orange Bonnets
Pink Split Bellflower
Purple Sweet Pea Sprig
Blue Bonnet Bouquet
Sprig of Blue Bonnets
Lavender Split Bellflower
Lavender Sweet Pea Sprig
Purple Bonnet Bouquet
Sprig of Purple Bonnets
Purple Split Bellflower
White Sweet Pea Sprig
White Bonnet Bouquet
Sprig of White Bonnets
Yellow Split Bellflower
Pink Sweet Pea Sprig
Pink Bonnet Bouquet
Sprig of Pink Bonnets
Pink Split Bellflower
Red Sweet Pea Sprig
Lotus Bouquets
Airy Lotus Bouquet
White Lotus
Blue Lotus
Romantic Lotus Bouquet
Red Lotus
Pink Lotus
Bashful Lotus Bouquet
Pink Lotus
Purple Lotus
Calming Lotus Bouquet
Blue Lotus
Pink Lotus
Soothing Lotus Bouquet
Purple Lotus
Pink Lotus
White Lotus
Peony Bouquets
Energetic Peony Bouquet
Yellow Peony
Purple Wisteria
White Gladiola
Vibrant Peony Bouquet
Deep Pink Peony
Yellow Wisteria
Pink and White Gladiola
Romantic Peony Bouquet
Pink Peony
White Wisteria
Pink Gladiola
Calming Peony Bouquet
Lavender Peony
White Wisteria
Pink and White Gladiola
Lovely Peony Bouquet
Red Peony
White Wisteria
White Gladiola
2017 Bouquets Requires x1 of Each Flower] Menagerie Bouquets
Calm Menagerie Bouquet
Lilac Jollinear
Dusk Chai Flower
Lilac Antlephlora
Starlight Menagerie Bouquet
Dawn Jollinear
Twilight Chai Flower
Dusk Antlephlora
Sunshine Menagerie Bouquet
Sun Jollinear
Common Chai Flower
Sun Antlephlora
Sweet Menagerie Bouquet
Arid Jollinear
Dawn Chai Flower
Arid Antlephlora
Tide Menagerie Bouquet
Dusk Jollinear
Lilac Chai Flower
Dawn Antlephlora
Requires x2 of Each Flower] Columbine and Lachenalia Bouquets
Apple Custard Columbine and Yellow Lachenalia Bouquet
Apple Custard Columbine
Yellow Lachenalia
Lavender Columbine and Blue Lachenalia Bouquet
Lavender Columbine
Blue Lachenalia
Rhubarb Custard Columbine and White Lachenalia Bouquet
Rhubarb Custard Columbine
White Lachenalia
White Columbine and Red Lachenalia Bouquet
White Columbine
Red Lachenalia
White Wine Columbine and Black Lachenalia Bouquet
White Wine Columbine
Black Lachenalia
Cascading Bouquets
Bashful Cascading Bouquet
Coral Dahlia
Peach Foxglove
Pink Freesia Sprig
Ethereal Cascading Bouquet
White and Yellow Dahlia
Yellow Foxglove
White Freesia Sprig
Lovely Cascading Bouquet
Lavender Dahlia
Lilac Foxglove
Purple Freesia Sprig
Romantic Cascading Bouquet
Red Dahlia
Pink Foxglove
Black Freesia Sprig
Vampiric Cascading Bouquet
Black Dahlia
White Foxglove
Red Freesia Sprig
Calla Lily and Tulip Bouquets
Black Calla Lily and Black Tulip Bouquet
Black Calla Lily
Black Tulip
Orange Calla Lily and Crimson Tulip Bouquet
Orange Calla Lily
Crimson Tulip
Pink Calla Lily and Purple Tulip Bouquet
Pink Calla Lily
Purple Tulip
White Calla Lily and Pink Tulip Bouquet
White Calla Lily
Pink Tulip
Yellow Calla Lily and Orange Tulip Bouquet
Yellow Calla Lily
Orange Tulip
Requires x3 of Each Flower Rose and Moth Orchid Bouquets
Faded Blue Rose and Pink Moth Orchid Bouquet
Faded Blue Rose
Pink Moth Orchid Stem
Faded Orange Rose and Yellow Moth Orchid Bouquet
Faded Orange Rose
Yellow Moth Orchid Stem
Faded Pink Rose and Accented Moth Orchid Bouquet
Faded Pink Rose
Accented Moth Orchid Stem
Faded Purple Rose and Red Moth Orchid Bouquet
Faded Purple Rose
Red Moth Orchid Stem
Faded Yellow Rose and White Moth Orchid Bouquet
Faded Yellow Rose
White Moth Orchid Stem

Pet Treasure

Calm Menagerie Bouquet

Starlight Menagerie Bouquet

Sunshine Menagerie Bouquet

Sweet Menagerie Bouquet

Tide Menagerie Bouquet

Apple Custard Columbine and Yellow Lachenalia Bouquet

Lavender Columbine and Blue Lachenalia Bouquet

Rhubarb Custard Columbine and White Lachenalia Bouquet

White Columbine and Red Lachenalia Bouquet

White Wine Columbine and Black Lachenalia Bouquet

Bashful Cascading Bouquet

Ethereal Cascading Bouquet

Lovely Cascading Bouquet

Romantic Cascading Bouquet

Vampiric Cascading Bouquet

Black Calla Lily and Black Tulip Bouquet

Orange Calla Lily and Crimson Tulip Bouquet

Pink Calla Lily and Purple Tulip Bouquet

White Calla Lily and Pink Tulip Bouquet

Yellow Calla Lily and Orange Tulip Bouquet

Faded Blue Rose and Pink Moth Orchid Bouquet

Faded Orange Rose and Yellow Moth Orchid Bouquet

Faded Pink Rose and Accented Moth Orchid Bouquet

Faded Yellow Rose and White Moth Orchid Bouquet

Faded Purple Rose and Red Moth Orchid Bouquet

Orange Poppy Bouquet

Yellow Poppy Bouquet

Red Poppy Bouquet

Pink Poppy Bouquet

White Poppy Bouquet

Pink and White Daisy Bouquet

Pink and Yellow Daisy Bouquet

Purple and White Daisy Bouquet

Violet and Purple Daisy Bouquet

Yellow and White Daisy Bouquet

Orange Bonnet Bouquet

Blue Bonnet Bouquet

Purple Bonnet Bouquet

White Bonnet Bouquet

Pink Bonnet Bouquet

Airy Lotus Bouquet

Romantic Lotus Bouquet

Calming Lotus Bouquet

Soothing Lotus Bouquet

Bashful Lotus Bouquet

Energetic Peony Bouquet

Vibrant Peony Bouquet

Romantic Peony Bouquet

Calming Peony Bouquet

Lovely Peony Bouquet

Froggy Bouquet

Hateful Bouquet

Starry Night Droopy Bouquet

Daylight Sky Droopy Bouquet

Delicate Draco Bouquet

Fiery Draco Bouquet

Dark Draco Bouquet

Hot Pink Zinnia Bouquet

White Zinnia Bouquet

Orange Zinnia Bouquet

Blue Hydrangea Bouquet

Rainbow Hydrangea Bouquet

Purple Hydrangea Bouquet

Sweet Bearded Iris Bouquet

Bashful Bearded Iris Bouquet

Mysterious Bearded Iris Bouquet

Teeming Purple Gladiola Bouquet

Teeming Pink Gladiola Bouquet

Teeming White Gladiola Bouquet

Tumbling Whitebell Jasmine Bouquet

Tumbling Rosy Jasmine Bouquet

Tumbling Blue Jasmine Bouquet

Pet Friends