
Nancy has a minion!

Nancling the Hexling


The Common Experiment #76166
Owner: Boborc

Age: 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: April 7th, 2022

Adopted: 2 years, 2 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: April 19th, 2022


Nancy is a loving, caring pet who has absolutely no higher thoughts. While some pets may be able to do math or write poems or even solve complex puzzles, the best Nancy can offer is a lick the the face and some very dangerous wiggles. She may love everyone she meets but that tail is long enough to wreak havoc.

Her job at the Toy Box isn’t so much a “job” as it is the employees being completely unable to remove her from the store. Nancy may be a ball of sunshine but she is still larger than the vast majority of employees and if she doesn’t want to go somewhere, she won’t. Of course, bribing her out of the store has worked in the past. However it only results in her sitting in front of the doors, wining and blocking any customers from entering until she is, inevitably, let back inside.

Some employees are resentful towards her. She is constantly causing messes, scaring customers, and being a general nuisance. But she is an amazing security guard. It turns out that people are very reluctant to steal from you when there is a massive creature looming over them! The employees have theorized that this is one of the only reasons Nancy is still allowed within the store and not chased out by Pet Control. The other theory is that her actual owner pays the store a stipend for letting her roam about all day. Both theories are, it turns out, correct.

Nancy’s minion, Nancling, appeared one day out of the blue. No one knows where it came from but it follows Nancy around like a little lost puppy, thus prompting its name. So far it isn’t much of a menace, being a mere fraction of Nancys size, but the employees fear the day it grows up and they have two Nancys running around. When Nancy takes her afternoon nap, the employees sneak off with Nancling to try and train the little creature. So far they are completely unsuccessful.

Nancy, unbeknownst to all but the owner of the Toy Box, first visited when she was just a puppy. Her owner brought her in— could carry her, even! she was that small— to pick out her first toy. Said toy is a large squeaky bone that, at the time, was comical to see her try to carry. The toy has held up wonderfully over the years and she has even grown into it! Concerningly, when Nancling first appeared it also picked out a large squeaky bone that it now drags behind it. None but the owner know this horrid foreshadowing.

Nancy can be found doing any of the following:
-following people around and squeaking her toy at them until they toss it for her
-laying in the middle of an isle and refusing to move
-knocking over displays
-begging for treats
-playing with Nancling
-following customers around the store and silently judging their choice in toys
-following employees around the store to see what new toys are being placed out
-stealing said toys for her personal collection
-looming ominously
-drooling on people that she is looming over
-jumping in front of people then rolling over to get belly rubs
-generally being a menace to society

Pet Treasure

Ruffie Squeaky Bone

Beary Long Doll

Heart Collar

Pet Friends