
Integrity has a minion!

Sincerity the Meeris


The Spectrum Keeto
Owner: Bandercamp

Age: 1 year, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 26th, 2022

Adopted: 6 months, 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Adopted: November 8th, 2023


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 8
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 3
  • Job: Register Clerk

From Wikipedia:

Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or earnestness of one's actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy.


These words very much describe my favourite character, Llewellyn Watts, from Murdoch Mysteries. He is certainly an honest and good person. This is most apparent when it comes to fair treatment of others. His views don't always align with what is popular, or even lawful, but are what's right, which is the important thing. Llewellyn has strong moral principles. It is one of many reasons why I love him so much. To be clear, all the good characters have integrity, but something that sets Llewellyn apart is he speaks his mind more. He is not always in the position to do this, but many times, if he feels people are being treated unfairly, he will speak out. Other people may not agree, but won't be as likely to comment, particularly when it comes to being given an order. If something goes too far, of course they make the right choice, but Llewellyn is nearly always the first to speak up, and refuse to do something he feels/knows is wrong.

For this lookup, I have decided to add my favourite MM episodes, and episodes that more obviously show examples of Llewellyn's integrity. Episodes marked with * are favourites, episodes marked with ** are ones that more obviously show Llewellyn's integrity, and episodes marked *** are for both. At this point, I'm just listing, but may add a bit about why each episode is my favourite, and why an episode more obviously shows Llewellyn's integrity, in the future. These are in order of airing:


Hades Hath No Fury ** - season 10, episode 15

Up from Ashes *** - season 11, episode 1

Anabella Cinderella * - season 12, episode 11

The Philately Fatality ** - season 13, episode 6

The Final Curtain * - season 13, episode 8

Kill Thy Neighbour * - season 13, episode 13

I Know What You Did Last Autumn * - season 15, episode 6

Murdoch Knows Best *** - season 15, episode 8

The Lady Vanishes * - season 15, episode 9

Drawn in Blood *** - season 15, episode 10

The Night Before Christmas * - season 15, episode 11

It's a Wonderful Game *** - season 15, episode 16

Brother Can You Spare a Crime ** - season 15, episode 19

Devil Music * - season 15, episode 21

Clean Hands ** - season 16, episode 6

Honeymoon in Hampshire *** - season 16, episode 9

The Porcelain Maiden *** - season 16, episode 12

The Ballad of Gentleman Jones * - season 16, episode 17

Murdoch and The Mona Lisa * - season 17, episode 3

(To be continued...)


Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Spectrum buddy!

Rainbow buddy!

Keeto buddy!