
Garro has a minion!

Silent the Anxe

Legacy Name: Garro

The Chibi Magnus
Owner: Magicme

Age: 15 years, 11 months, 3 days

Born: July 22nd, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 11 months, 3 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 22nd, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 21
  • Strength: 21
  • Defense: 17
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 42
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Crumble Cadet

When Garro was a young Magnus at the early stages of his life, he lived in a distant mountainous area, where few dared to enter. There were often stories told about his existence in the villages below, however because no-one would ever make it to the top of the mountain in which he lived (called Patumpatous) As it was far too perilous to even attempt especially in the hot summers, when storms and floods were common; He was more a myth than real life. Because of this Garro would occasionally fly over the villages at night time, showering flames like fireworks in the sky. Although not to cause harm to the villagers but to reinforce their belief of him, because even though his presence may only be noted by a stray cat, or a drowsy child looking up to the stars in wonder. He was always there and stories would spread.However one night during the festival of Canstajaunta, in which the villagers celebrate the eternal life of their mayor (The Great Jaunta who once ate the whole shell of a Frost Dragon from a far away island, on midsummers night, in order to grant him immortality) He flew too low into the village and was sighted by the mayor himself, whom though it was a fret from the Dragon he stole the egg from so long ago. Mayor Jaunta sent his people on the beast in fear and anger, Garro however did not fight back; he was confused, why were the people hurting him? He meant no harm, however the attackers showed no mercy and because he was such a small Magnus they tied down in seconds, and fed him a strange substance, which smelt like burnt cat placenta rolled in bacon.When Garro next woke, he found himself in a small cage at the foot of the great mountain Patumpatous, other than a slight pain in his belly he felt fine, however something was different. The rotting smell of last nights liquid was still in the air, and the environment around him seem to be emitting a black fuzz. Garro stumbled as he got up and then realised to much shock, that he was no longer the ordinary sliver gray of an ordinary magnus, but he was jet black like pure obsidian...(to be continued)

Pet Treasure

Dark Light Potion


Promo Magnus Trading Card


Lilac Magnus Plushie

Darkmatter Magnus Plushie

Dusk Magnus Plushie

Common Magnus Plushie

Pet Friends


Saphire Dragon


Amber sparkle sweet pie

Baby Leon

Pinki *o*

Toffee Apple
