
Navahl has a minion!

Experiment #3 the Scrabbles

Legacy Name: Navahl

The Graveyard Charlie
Owner: Demon_Valentine

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 10th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 10th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 75
  • Strength: 185
  • Defense: 177
  • Speed: 171
  • Health: 185
  • HP: 153/185
  • Intelligence: 77
  • Books Read: 50
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Weapons Tester

|| -- Navahl -- ||
Troublesome :: Smart :: Cunning

"Bastard! This never would've happened because of you!"

Hair: Medium Length / Dark Brown
Eyes: Red
Age: 1725 (looks 24)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 146lbs

Likes: Pulling pranks, proving his strength, pissing off his brother.
Dislikes: Getting caught, losing, his father.

Bio: Navahl is Zephyr's younger brother. He is the more troublesome out of the two. He's known to pull pranks, pester people, get into fights and hang around in gangs, getting into tons of trouble. It was actually because of Navahl that Zephyr was turned into a vampire. Navahl had gotten attacked by a vampire and turned, went insane, killed their mother and turned his brother into a vampire. Later they traveled together to The Devil's Eye to see their father. Their father appointed Zephyr to take his place because he had the family name and was the eldest one out of the two. Navahl was jealous and upset about the whole idea. He ran away and decided to pursue his own desires. He met up with a man named Joveer who was experimenting to create a demon. Navahl decided to help this man, seeing no downfall in having an assistant that would last forever, but Joveer later went insane and ended up experimenting on Navahl. The experiment was a total failure and Navahl's body was mutated and deformed. Navahl managed to crawl back to The Devil's Eye, but Zephyr couldn't handle his appearance anymore and what Joveer had done to him. Zephyr ordered Navahl to be killed on sight, but it has been heard that he still might be alive somewhere.

Pet Treasure

Fuel Your Nightmares

Green Tinged Haunted Crystal

Jar Of Annoying Flies

Jar Of Zombie Drool


Butterfly Bruise Zombie Plushie

Collectible Ecks Plushie

Head Bandage Scraps and Hair

Grotesquely Long Tongue

Infected Muscle Tissue

Mutated Heart

Zombie Chew Toy

Boneyard Photo

Dead Beats: From the Grave

Teenage Zombie Diary

Dealing with Wundigosis

Organ Diary

Sewn Together

The Everyday Struggles: Zombies

Decrepit Keening Songbook

The Z Word

A Tale of Trickery

Delicious Bugs and Where to Find Them

Grocer Meat Pie

Acid Zombie Zaliva


Zombie Demon





Toxic Goggles

Fart Gas in a Jar

Trick Ice Cube

Field Vandal Spray Paint

Charlie Leather Jacket

Charlie Brass Knuckles

Ew Sticker

Green Zombie Sticker

Pet Friends

Zephyr The 4th
I hate you brother! You always got it better than me!

What did you do to me?!