
Vezdeferns has a minion!

Vas the Pocket

Legacy Name: Vezdeferns

The Nuclear Popoko
Owner: Allishinca

Age: 15 years, 9 months, 5 days

Born: August 30th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 9 months, 5 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 30th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Age: 25
Nickname: Vez
Profile: Vez was born in a poor third-world country that was trapped between a nuclear war of two larger powers. His father had died before he was born, and his mother passed away when he was only two, during which time he was left in the care of his older sister, Lulu, who was only six. Without an adult to watch over him, Vez inevitably became contaminated due to the nuclear fallout, which is what causes his right eye to glow. He was taken away by a group of scientist to be “sterilize,” but was later reunited with Lulu. He and Lulu continued to live in the home where their dead mother’s corpse lied. While the war had ended, their country was still dealing with a severe famine. Lulu became mortified when she realized that Vez had been consuming the flesh off of their dead mother, and decided it was time to leave their home. After traveling around a great deal, the two eventually settled into a shack that was in the middle of an old graveyard. Vez continued his obsession with consuming the dead by digging up the graves. Vez later formed an affiliation with Saberio, who realized his potential and turned him to murder. When Lulu became aware of this she tried to stop it, leading Saberio to kidnap Vez. Years of mutilating dead bodies have caused Vez to have uncanny knowledge about the body and how it works. Because of this, he knows all the vital points, and can easily kill someone in one strike. However, Vez is somewhat of a savant, for while he is knowledgeable about the body, he is mentally deficient in other areas. Particularly, he has a hard time communicating, is unable to take care of himself, and is emotionally stunned. He and Lulu both share the ability to “Shadow teleport,” which means they can teleport only when completely submerged by darkness. This, along with his knowledge of vital points, means that Vez is very much so capable of slaughtering large amounts of people in just one night.

Pet Treasure

White Boxer Briefs

Fire BattleTech Bracelet

Universal Antidote

Pet Friends

Older Sister

