
Verda has a minion!

Jestum the Pinklicorn

Legacy Name: Spulberat

The Common Legeica
Owner: Larian

Age: 15 years, 8 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 6th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 8 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 6th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 168
  • Strength: 427
  • Defense: 403
  • Speed: 352
  • Health: 342
  • HP: 276/342
  • Intelligence: 200
  • Books Read: 198
  • Food Eaten: 8
  • Job: Maid

“I will keep the color of your eyes until no other in the world remembers your name.”

Once, he lived in a lilac wood, long ago, when heroes yet laid claim to the world. Now, he calls this wood home, making it a specter of the one he ruled over eons past. It is why the leaves never turn, the flowers always bloom, and the inhabitants are forever out of reach of a hunter’s bow. All he touches take a little piece of him and carry it with them until they are dust.

On particularly wistful nights, the Lady might grace her company with the tale of how the unicorn came to call her a companion, if they are lucky. The story is always the same, no detail amiss. “They said a golden bridle would be needed…” she says, her voice soft as if to speak too loudly might shatter the frail balance that she has struck with a creature so far above a mere mortal. “In truth, he had no use for the thing. No interest in it, really. He came to mine lap after not even a glance toward it, and rested his head there as if he carried upon it the sorrows of the world. I knew then that a force far greater than we had brought us to one another.”

An unlikely pair borne upon the currents of fate. For now, in this moment no greater than a grain of sand in the cosmic sea, their paths cross. The Lady keep the unicorn safe, acting as companion and guardian, and she is happy to do just that for nothing more than the opportunity to.

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