
Allegiance has a minion!

Minion the Aviator Penguin

Legacy Name: Allegiance

The Custom Nightmare Tigrean
Owner: FLUX

Age: 15 years, 9 months, 1 week

Born: September 19th, 2008

Adopted: 9 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 4th, 2015


  • Level: 319
  • Strength: 797
  • Defense: 797
  • Speed: 804
  • Health: 811
  • HP: 790/811
  • Intelligence: 131
  • Books Read: 126
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Professional Lab Cleaner

Capture the flag. Should be simple enough, but as my team started to discuss it childish fights broke out. They were arguing among themselves as to what to do and how to do it and they were definitely not making it simple. On top of the challenge of getting past the other team, we had to find them first. As their chatter got louder I noticed one member of my team wasn't arguing. In fact she wasn't standing with the others at all, Tris had slipped away. She was heading toward a large rusted Ferris Wheel. I generally had nerves of steel but just looking at it made me feel like it was going to swallow me whole.I started following her, and asked where she was going she responded, “To higher ground, to see where the other team is.”

My head started pounding and my chest tightened a little, but almost without thought, I followed her first steps up at a pretty close distance. “You can get through this!” I shouted internally.

I tried my best not to think about what I was doing with each upward motion. I tried not to look down and only focus on getting to the top of the Ferris wheel with Tris but it was like something in my throat was growing with each step that I went up. Everything in me screamed don't look down but curiosity was nagging at me. It was like a gruesome scene you couldn't pull your eyes away from. I tried to only glance over my shoulder to see how far we'd gone, because the top seemed to get further away with each step. The glance ended up lingering longer than I'd hoped. I just couldn't look back up.

The ground looked far away but suddenly seemed to tilt toward me, then further away. With a jolt of panic I realized I was starting to sway. I tightened my grip until my knuckles ached and the spots of rust cut into my hands. I felt the first really hot flush of fear go through me. I tried to beat the panic back, to swallow back the fear and push the knot that was forming in my stomach out of my mind and out of existence. I wasn't a coward. My muscles didn't quite listen to the strong speech I was making in my head, instead they ached and shook. My tongue started to feel bigger and I found it suddenly hard to force air past it.

I told myself that as long as I held on there was nothing to worry about. I wasn't going to fall just because I was up high and the height itself wouldn't hurt me. My body continued to spasm without my permission. This fear was starting to take control of me and I couldn't let that happen. At this point I looked up at Tris and saw that she definitely noticed my fear of going higher. She pointed and kept moving upwards, further away from the safety of the ground. The blood was pulsing in my ears and everything was distant. Climbing back down was sure to be a slow and somewhat shaky process - but first I had to get up. Thankfully Tris spotted the flag quickly at the top, despite me being unable to look.

Coming down was a huge relief but as I continued down a sound caught my attention. A metallic ripping sound. When I looked up rust flakes were landing in my eyes. The panic left as soon as I saw the source of the noise. My mind was clear for the first time since I realized I'd have to climb the Ferris Wheel. Tris was hanging from the Ferris wheel, but just barely. There was an obvious rusty hole in the steel that she had been climbing on moments before.

I knew I couldn't climb up there and get her. That was out of the question, I could fall, or hurt her, or drop her, or even fall with her. I also knew that a fall from that height would kill her. I debated with myself for a second but remembered on the way up passing a rather large lever.
“Hold on!” I called to her as I was climbing quickly down. I only paused for a moment to take a deep breathe and enjoy the fact that I was on solid ground again, then I pushed myself at full speed for the lever and pulled.

The Ferris Wheel roared to life and eerie creaks that were slow and drawn out filled the air. The tension I felt all over released as she got close enough to the ground to free herself and land with a thud.She stood up, shook it off, and ran toward the others to tell them where we would look for the flag.
They may call me Four for my fears, but her bravery that day made me fall harder than any drop would.

Story by Chrystle[br
Overlay by AnkokuThanks to Shakespeare for letting me adopt :D!

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