
Mega_807 has a minion!

Redemption the Baby Phoenix

Legacy Name: Mega_807

The Reborn Anyu
Owner: Muttly

Age: 15 years, 8 months, 1 week

Born: October 16th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 8 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 16th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The Pillar sat at the center most point of the kingdom, a valley of stone temples and earthy hills spilling out around it, and spanning to distant horizons. From the top of The Pillar, everything was visible, be it a beautiful land thriving and prosperous, or a jumbled mess of failure, spread out in every direction for the world to see.

Mega stared intently at the small line where green grass met sky. Dark clouds of dust sprouted from the earth, growing and pushing inwards toward the city walls. Everything in its path would be brought to the ground into a puddle of ash and crushed hopes.

Mega silently cursed the gods. Not the wisest decision, he realized, since such defiance had brought him into this situation in the first place. What had Mars told him? 'A plague laid upon yourself.' and then some murmuring. If Mega wasn't plastered to the spot, trying to see exactly what fate had been pressed upon him, he would smack the High Priest right then and there.

'We must go, my lord. There is no turning back now, evacuation must commence." Mars's voice was a low whisper, raspy with age.

'I built this Kingdom from bone and sweat, my blood runs through its' walls. My life pulses through the ground that now falls into rubble, and with it I shall go.'

Mega didn't believe a word of the shit that left his own mouth. He hoped to the gods that damned him that his voice, strained with fear, came across strong. If anything, he wanted to be remembered as an honorable and brave man, despite the cowardliness that rushed through him, calling him on his lies.

With tearful eyes, Mega looked back to his High Priest, who showed not the slightest bit of emotion on his frozen face. He was hoping for some words of wisdom, the very things he had shoved down Mars's throat over the past thirty years. But in return, was a surprising look of hatred.

"You're insolence has brought this upon all of us. It is your fault that all of these people shall die. I heeded you fair warning, I gave you the signs. You let it go to your head, you defied what is undefinable. You deserve this. They don't.'

Mars swatted his arm out of The Pillar window, toward the tiny specs hundreds of feet below, fleeing like bugs from smoke. They were the people Mega had reined over, who had put all of their trust in his guidance. Now, because of him, the thousands of people ran through the winding cobblestone streets with no sense of direction, blinded by chaos.

Mega ignored Marster's comment, however, not willing to give in so close to the end. He planned to stand strong, even as his legs trembled uncontrollably beneath him.

"You wouldn't suppose the gods would spare them?" Mega said weakly, not bothering to struggle with words any longer.

"You do not wish for them to perish, and because of this they will. The gods are above all of us. Mortal lives are of no importance to them, as long as they reach their ultimate goal, killing you; both inside and out."

Mega cringed as a loud crash shook the foundation. The outer walls had fallen.

Black smoke billowed upward, shrouding the entire proximity of the kingdom in a blanket of darkness.

"Well, this sucks." Mega had never been known as the most mature man, and had never been ruled out as one of the most immature. So this statement came as no surprise to Marsters, even in such as desperate situation.

"Indeed." Was all the High Priest responded with, then he turned .

Mega heard the footsteps echoing behind him as Marsters fled down the spiral staircase. The king, once at the top of the world, slumped over defeated against the small window carved out of the granite wall of The Pillar.

It was the middle of Autumn, and Mega shoved his head outside in hopes that he could get one last smell of the honeysuckle-scented wind. But the air outside was thick, hardly breathable. Mega wondered how many of his subjects had already suffocated in the musky air.

As another bang shook The Pillar, and the whole kingdom imploded, Mega once again found himself feeling hollow and alone.


The heat of the sun beat down on Mega. As he sprinted down the street, he felt as if the concrete beneath him was turning to liquid, holding him him down and preventing him from getting anywhere. He clutched a slim black briefcase in his right hand, which pulled him back even further and he winded around barricades of people.

All around him, skyscrapers pushed up hundreds of feet above him, into a smoggy sky. The city was certainly not Mega's favorite place to be; the flood of people stressed him, making him feel like every day had to meet a deadline. But Mega was put in this city for a reason. This was just a small portion of his everliving punishment, and he had to remain here until he died. Again.

Every few seconds, Mega glanced down at his gold-platted wristwatch, another reminder that he was behind schedule. The face read 12:24 AM, the meeting beginning at noon.

Mega looked up to find himself inches in front of a man, who had stopped mid-stride to take a picture of a museum. He was obviously a tourist, dressed in a tee shirt and jeans, as if casual attire would actually make him fit in.

Mega despised tourists, or 'tourons' as he liked to call them, but he did not have time to ponder on it as he rammed into the man.

The latch of Mega's briefcase popped open, and an array of documents flew out all over the sidewalk, many of them landing in the middle of congested traffic.

"Damn you!" Mega blasted, fire in his eyes.

"You could have broken my camera! Watch where you're going!" the tourist retorted, giving Mega the urge to knock him out right there.

"You're such an ass! Who stops in the middle of a crowded sidewalk to take a bloody picture?! DAMN IT!"

Mega continued running then, wanting to continue the fight, but knowing full well time wouldn't allow it. A few people had stopped to help the man who Mega had pushed down, most of them looking at Mega like he was some disgusting beast.

"Damn tourons." he whispered to himself.

"I know I am deathless…I have thus far exhausted trillions of winters and summers. There are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them."
- Walt Whitman

This will be split into three parts. One will be Mega's basic information. The second will be his personality rundown. The third will link you to other characters of his story. I am making those headers now, yay!

Check List

{.}=Not started



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  • Change to male{~}

Pet Treasure


Telenine Skull Faceguard

Tiny Gold Crown

Pet Friends