
Akzeban has a minion!

Pipou the Noctou

Legacy Name: Akzeban

The Twilight Hikei
Owner: Deekkru

Age: 15 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 3rd, 2008

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 1 week ago

Adopted: May 7th, 2011


  • Level: 21
  • Strength: 86
  • Defense: 46
  • Speed: 46
  • Health: 45
  • HP: 45/45
  • Intelligence: 21
  • Books Read: 21
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Azeban & his Noctou, Pipou.
"Azeban? Azeban, wait up!"

Soft thudding drew the hefty Hikei's attention to the slim female approaching. Eleza's silky blue hair whispered quietly in the sweet summer breeze, flicking lively at her supple cheeks and caring amber eyes. "You've gotten faster! I've been trying to catch up all morning!"

Her laughter filled the air with its humble melodies. There was no hint of desperation or pride; only the simple joy of life could bring such movement to that delightful sound.

Azeban leaned back with a sigh against the rocky walls of his colorless home. Cave walls stood alert in nearly every direction, sentinel guards against the harsh world outside. These walls provided shelter and safety, but the peace that comes from open surroundings was a thing of the past. A small circle of moonlight added to the gloom-penetrating warmth of Azeban's dwindling fire. A small cradle of blankets held various Hikei toys and trinkets - his most precious treasures.

He sighed again, and this time it was a tired sound, not one of reminiscence. "Fire's almost out dear boy. Might as well go get more wood."

The sound of his faltering footsteps gave away to the soft crunch of dew covered grass. Azeban stared out the doorway, frozen in time but for a moment, drinking in the welcome sight of familiar moonlit vistas.

But it was tainted, all of it. "The color of life has left with her..." He quietly told the trees and the stars. Grey was the grass, grey were the trees, and grey was the sky above. The world reflected color that his eyes could not see. Only the moon held a different hue.
Amber, just like her eyes...

Pet Treasure

Twilight Hikei Plushie

My Little Emo Hikei

My Little Dawn Hikei

My Little Field Hikei

My Little Dusk Hikei

My Little Lilac Hikei

Arid Hobby Hikei

Cream Hobby Hikei

Field Hobby Hikei

Sun Hobby Hikei

Lilac Hobby Hikei

Super-Deformed Hikei Doll

Hikei History

Pet Friends

Sweet stars in the sky, you are the only friend I have left. Stay by my side, and never let me fade away into this dying world.

Hmmm? A neighbor? Strange....I thought no one else lived in these caves...

He always did have a way with the ladies. In the way that all the ladies love and hate him at the same time.

My sweet love...if only I'd had the chance to tell you.

You're so...different, and yet you and Eleza always got along so well. I don't really get it.

A new constellation? How majestic...