
Uwriy has a minion!

Áinle the Baby Phoenix

Legacy Name: Uwriy

The Reborn Malticorn
Owner: ProjectParallax

Age: 15 years, 7 months

Born: November 27th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 7 months ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 27th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Books Read: 11
  • Food Eaten: 31
  • Job: Unemployed

Pet Overlay by ROCK

The Valiant Knight of Firestone

Full Name: Aruna Egan

Nickname: Aru or Ruru

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Favorite Color: Fiery Red

Nationality/Species: British (Irish)/Reborn Malticorn

Occupation: Bodyguard/Knight

Orientation: Heterosexual but made an exception

Status: Taken by Jalendra Zabat:heart:

Personality: Witty, Intelligent, Gentleman, Fierce, Aggressive, Noble

A Little About Aruna

He's perhaps the most level headed of the boys amongst his "family". He takes to trying to be Peacemaker and Discipliner when needed, though sometimes finds it hard to keep his own cool in the end. Often he is consulted as the protector amongst his "family", aiming to watching over the younger boys as well as keep his older friend as sane as possible. However, due to traveling he is not always there to grant that luxury to the others. Still, he can not seem to live with being in one place for long--growing stir crazy and messing the freedom and desire to help others in the outside world other than home.

Likes: His master, Renaissance Music, Fairs, Practicing his Swordsmanship, Reading, Companionship, Moral Judgement, his horse (mare) Tempra

Dislikes: Fetu, Emasculation of Power over the Weak/Poor, Friends Being In Danger, Selfishness
Ailments: Mild Shoulder Dislocation and Acute Delirium

Human Description
Skin: Light Neutral

Hair: Dark Red; semi-long in a disheveled bob cut that ends at the nape of his neck. Hardly ever changes in style unless going formal in a slicked back type of way with only his bangs left untouched.

Eyes: Bright Yellow Orange

Height:5ft 11in

Build: Athletic and Average Musculature

Shirt: Formfitting for maneuverability; likes to wear open tunics or open button down shirts (3/4 in sleeves) in casual but wears semi-heavy chainmail and upper armor during work.

Pants: Formfitting for maneuverability; enjoys slacks and sometimes jeans when in casual but wears semi-heavy chainmail and lower armor during work.

Shoes: Comfortable Leather Boots in Casual or Heavy Steel Toed during work

Accessories: Sol Tattoo on Right Shoulder, Red Garnet in Center of Forehead, Red and Gold Choker fully around neck, Silver and Gold Sword embellished with rubies always attached to back or hip, Autumn Leaf Earrings.

Pet Treasure

Bag of Reborn Chocolates

Item Hunters Sword

A Collection of Verses

Shot of Brandywine

Sun Spirit

Fireside Blob Kitty

Pet Friends

"Truly, Dear Friend, You Are A Blessing and Aid In My Life."

"Through All My Travels, My Greatest Honor Is Calling You Brother and Friend."

*smirks suavely* "Care For Me To Check You? I'm Sure You'll See My Fingertips on You Just Fine."

*crinkles a wide grin* Surely, You Should Know You're The Same Way! Especially for Someone Else..." *smirks playfully at Rusk*