
Admit_708 has a minion!

Minion the Bloodlust

Legacy Name: Admit_708

The Bloodred Aeanoid
Owner: oGgIe-BoOgIe

Age: 15 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: December 20th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 5 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 20th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 240
  • Strength: 525
  • Defense: 241
  • Speed: 230
  • Health: 311
  • HP: 311/311
  • Intelligence: 408
  • Books Read: 401
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


oggie-boogie's : Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

The Begining
Admit was abandoned in a pet cemetery when he was only a baby...
He was able to survive on small minions that sometimes came by
his hiding place. He felt totally alone, till one day a chemical spill
happened and awoke a number of other pets. The brain hungry fiends have
become his friends and when they eat they only eat the brains and leave
the rest for him to enjoy.

At night when most people are sleeping they creep out of the cemetery to feast
on the normal pets that people leave outside.. So, watch your pets and make sure
they are locked up at night and don't walk them near the pet cemetery... Because,
if they do they might be dinner for Admit and his friends.@_@

Favorite games -Zombies Ate My Neighbors & Left 4 Dead 1&2
Favorite food - Eyeballs
Best friends - The-Family-dog & Bloodlust
Favorite things to do - run a muck & reek havoc


Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: [oggie-boogie]

Pet Treasure

Chocolate Braincake

Brain Gelatin Mold

Gross Eyeball Pizza

Cherry Gummy Heart

Lime Gummy Heart

Finger on a Stick

Heart on a Stick

Bleeding Skeleton Fountain

Fast Food for Zombies

Zombie Jaw

Mutated Heart

Brain Muffin

Zombie Chew Toy

Pile of Hazel Eyeballs

Gris Gris Bag


Infected Muscle Tissue

Twitching Skeleton Prop

How to Prepare Eyes

Bloodshot Jellied Eyeball

Moldy Zombie Foot

Pile of Green Eyeballs


Severed Goat Head

Decapitated Puppy

Bloody Zombie Foot

Oozy Intestines

Pile of Blue Eyeballs

Subject Eyeball

Drowned Squirrel

Shark Stomach Surprise

Blue Jellied Eyeball

Cotton Candy Gummy Ear

Blood Balls

Bloodred Furikake

Brown Jellied Eyeball

Blood Soup

Monkey Brain

Pile of Violet Eyeballs

Brain Matter

Cooking with Zombie Drool

Bloody Marshmallow

Vengeful Undead Kitty

Gnawed Thigh Bone

Bloodred Jam

Berry-Berry Gummy Stomach

Mouthy Muffin

Torso Lamp Prop

Heart Warming Soup

Pile of Dead Eyeballs

Slab of Raw Meat

Squishy Brain Plushie

Brain Muffin

Eyeball Lollipop

Peach Gummy Stomach

Pile of Spectrum Eyeballs


How to Cook Brains

Ground Bone Shaker

Chest Bursting Love


Mouthy Muffin

Pet Friends





I wanna be a chibi


