
Paralix715324 has a minion!

Örn the Svarta

Legacy Name: Paralix715324

The Twilight Paralix
Owner: Kaishun

Age: 15 years, 3 months, 1 day

Born: February 28th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 3 months, 1 day ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 28th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 0/21
  • Intelligence: 48
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Hmph. I bite, so leave me be.
On the note of biting, unfortunately, this profile is... under construction.
My brilliant overlay was done by Kaos... so go thank him!
Me? I'm Svarturörn; more commonly known by my nickname, Stealth. Son of Heimdallr and Rán... ever met them? Count yourself lucky, if not. Perhaps 'offspring' would be a better term than son, as my mother tried to kill me and my father sent me away. Mother wasn't married to father, after all; and, technically, father was Rán's grandson. Should I be glad I'm not retarded? Because I'm far smarter than you.
After leaving, I stayed with a colony of dark elves for awhile, taking their form; and after I left them (they were quite jealous of me), I was soothed by the beautiful Sif... and after we 'dated' for awhile, we bared a child. Apparently, I had more of my father's traits than I thought; likewise, my lover was married. We were going to try and have the kid be born unto Sif's husband, but, alas; he had some of my dark elven features. So, I took him and had to run--Sif and I haven't really seen since. Logical enough. My sons' name is Udor Von Fraure and Eos; they were conjoined twins, the latter taking the form of a tail. My fault, of course, being a shapeshifter, and occasionally posing a tail. ...ah, moving along, as my father gave me little attention, I smothered my sons with it. Not having a fatherly figure to work off of though, I... ah... well, basically, I pushed Udor too hard. He ran away, and... mmn... we, ah, both kind of hate each other now. Love each other, too, though. Eos is extremely rude, but he's still kind in his own way. least, to me. To you, he'd try to devour your soul.
After Udor left, there was a vast chunk left in my heart. My life just sort of dragged on, and I spent my time reading various books to increase my auric--or, 'magical' as you humans say--control and abilities. I also trained with my double-edged, double-headed scythe; the only thing my father was good for. Anyways. It was a mass of years before I met a young child similar to my old self; sad but confident, unsure but determined, abandoned but not forsaken. He was the son of Loki and Freyja--a manipulator and a whore. Eleder, the child, could be described by this; he was mostly gay, probably due to both his parents sleeping around with the opposite gender... and procreating him. I virtually adopted him as my son, and was sure not to sufficate this one; I let him develop on his own and determine himself, setting rules rather than regiments. It seemed to work, as he and I are still on excellent terms; all grown up now, our roles are... how you say, reversed? The best way I can put it. I act more-or-less as his pet, but I'm very proud of the position. He treats me with affection and respect, and I do my best to help him accomplish his task, even if it is stupid; that task being to take over Earth in order to impress his father. I have no need to want any respect from my father; he probably thinks I'm dead, and that's fine with me. I only need Red. ...however, having Udor's love and Eos's love would be a major plus...

Pet Treasure

Dark Moonrock

Darkness Shard

The Replikaxe

Cursed Irion Chestplate

Gear Shuriken

Pet Friends

My adopted son, close friend, and dear leader.