
AricNeCrow has a minion!

Minion the Necrovive

Legacy Name: AricNeCrow

The Bloodred Tigrean
Owner: Arsinic

Age: 15 years, 3 months

Born: March 27th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 3 months ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 27th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 42
  • Strength: 95
  • Defense: 104
  • Speed: 84
  • Health: 87
  • HP: 87/87
  • Intelligence: 92
  • Books Read: 92
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Bathroom Cleaner

Neglected by his single-parent mother, Aric raised himself and his little brother as best he could. Frequently skipping school to earn (or steal) money and food any way he could. He wasn't twelve years old yet when he took a job under the table at a music store, where he practiced constantly at the drums. As a teen, Aric took up with another street kid of the same age, Conner. It wasn't long before Conner introduced Aric to a the gang he was in. Unlike most gangs this one consisted of a more morbidly inclined sort, all necromancers or necromancers in training. Aric fell in naturally with them and learned the necromancer skill easily.On his eighteenth birthday Aric under took the last lesson, to die. Though he joined in the celebration after his resurrection the event left him more traumatized than he cared to let on. Something he would never tell another soul was how he heard the voice of his baby brother screaming as the life slipped out of him. It was that night he finally acknowledged his feelings for Conner, and spent the entire evening focused on him. However, as of the next morning Aric withdrew from all of their company. When asked about his disappearance he hinted at leaving the gang, an idea they didn't take lightly. In order to teach him a lesson, the leader Tora had the others kidnap Aric's little brother. When Aric came to get him back, he ended up infuriating Tora to the extreme of killing the six year old. Aric couldn't handle the loss of Aoi and used more power than he even knew he could be capable of and summoned every dead thing in a quarter mile radius (quite a lot given the graveyard nearby) and set them on all of the gang. After the undead completed the slaughter of the other necromancers, Aric found himself at the side of his brother. Unsure of how to do it he resurrected Aoi, bringing him back not quiet the same. He didn't wait another day in town, taking Aoi and leaving everything behind.During his constant moving of himself and his brother, Aric met Aria. The attachment was intense on both sides... Until Conner resurfaced and managed to turn Aria against Aric. A breakup of epic proportions that end with Aria causing the building to burst spontaneous into flames - killing her. Aric managed to resurrect her successfully once he'd gotten her to safety. Only a subtle dark aura rubbed off on her, a weaker version of the seductive shadow that lingered around Aric at all times. Despite their breakup, Aric remains faithful to Aria as the only woman he'll love. Which is why he only dates other guys. A rare male siren named Koya eventually ended up as Aric's neighbor and managed to keep Aric loyal for longer than any guy before him...but even that has faded. Leaving Aric alone with only the dead for company.Feel free to join him at the nearest bar, where he'll serve you up a wicked drink from the other side.

Pet Treasure


Black Drumsticks

Dead Person

Zombie Kitten

Skeletal Cat

Coffin Keychain

Pet Friends