
Hectopascal has a minion!

Hibiscus the Deyw

Legacy Name: Hectopascal

The Spectrum Antlephore
Owner: Taikuchu

Age: 15 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 24th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 24th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Anthony James Hectopascal used to be a normal young boy. He read, He did his schoolwork, he went to school, and he had a family. He was also the polar opposite of his brother, Gregory Weave. Anthony is quiet and gentle. Sweet, and Kind. However, his brother is crude, rude, easily annoyed. A jerk. But Anthony always stood by him no matter what. His brother was his protector. His best friend. His voice. Everything.

Growing up, Anthony was a smart boy. He still is smart. He has an IQ of 120, but usually stays quiet, almost like a mute. However, unlike a mute, he would speak every so often. He was born with white-blonde hair. Not really blonde, but still considered that type of hair color.

Anthony had been picked on in Junior High and highschool for being openly homosexual. He always looked more feminine compared to his brother and the other boys, but that was why. No, He didn't wear girls clothes, he didn't act gay. But he was interested in boys instead of girls. He didn't see why some homosexuals did what they did. Dress in drag, flirt to no end. He liked wearing his soft colors, and his peacoat, but that was it. It only got out he was homosexual because his brother spilled that to his friends one night when drinking. But Anthony forgave him. Gregory was always there to protect him anyway. Under that tough exterior, his big brother was a marshmallow.

Years later, when Anthony had hit the age of eighteen, him and his brother had been caught in a brutal car accident. Both boys, with the same blood-type, had lost an arm and a leg in the accident. they were lucky to have not lost their lives, like alot of the others (It was a 5 car total accident. ) They were rushed to the hospital; Anthony lost his left arm and leg, white Gregory lost his right arm an leg. They were barely hanging onto life, and the only way to save them, was to combine the 18 and 19 year old teenage boys.

They were sewn together, and now look like Siamese twins. Joined together at the hip and the shoulder. Their shirts and jackets are usually sewn together, so on one half Anthony could wear something he liked, and Gregory could wear whatever he wanted.

Anthony has a thing for a young man by the name of Volya ( Vodka ). He is very interested in him, due to the fact that he it the first man ( Other then his brother ) that Anthony has noticed, that doesn't have a problem with him. He likes him for who he is, or thats what he likes to think. He doesn't know anything about Vodka's feelings, but he hopes that he cares about him as much as Anthony does.

Little Facts about Anthony

He has small splotches of pink, green, blue, and yellow, scattered around in his hair.

He loves his scarf. It's his favorite accessory.

He's shy.

He thinks he's in love with Vodka, only after meeting him briefly.

He believes in love at first sight.

His favorite fruit is anything citrus, preferably Oranges.

Anthony takes his father's last name, Hectopascal, while Gregory takes his mother's maiden name, Weave.

No other physical damage was done to Anthony, but Gregory had to have some skin work done, hence his permanent stitches and the dark, almost rotten-looking skin on his face.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

G-Gregory, you need to stop being so...distant.