
Akashora has a minion!

Hathor the Arctic Chirrup

Legacy Name: Akashora

The Glacier Popoko
Owner: DisposableThunder

Age: 15 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 7th, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 1st, 2011


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Pet Info


He comes in my dreams, and in those dreams, I know it's him. When I wake, I'm not as sure that it's him. Those are the good dreams, though.

In others, it's the dark god, his claws reaching for me to drag me into the shadows. It's so hard to wake up from those dreams. Every time, it's like more and more of me is slipping away. These nightmares are so much more frequent than the good dreams. And when I wake up, I remember them so vividly. They overshadow every other thought in my mind and won't leave me be.

Please, I ask him. I beg him, please save me..come to me again..

The Basics


Name: Akashora Djoser
Alias: Aka
Gender: Hermaphrodite/Intersexed -- Identifies as neither gender, but is referred to as a male
Age: 17
DOB: Undisclosed (to cultivate the idea of immortality)

Orientation: Undetermined
Status: Single
Nationality: Egyptian

Lover: None
Children: None

Occupation: Speaker to Ra
Location: The temple where he works and lives, the marketplace


Hair: Long and black, down to his waist
Eyes: Gold and heavily made up
Height: 5'5"
Build: Thin with slight curves; built like a rather feminine boy
Complexion: Dark golden brown

Attire: Wears white pants with panels cut out of each side with a simple red wrap top. Long white arm sleeves with golden armlets in the form of a snake. Wears a gold and ruby circlet as well as an ornate golden necklace, but only for ceremonial events.
Piercings: Once in each ear
Tattoos: Black swallow outline on each collarbone


Person: None
Hobbies: Playing with Hathor, reading
Color: Dull crimson
Food: Roasted duck (when he can get it)


Akashora has been sheltered his entire life, and knows little about the outside world. Because of this, he is incredibly curious about the life of the "normal" people and often tries to slip out alone, although he is almost always caught. He knows nothing other than his life within the temple walls and is often lonely without others around his age. Because of this, he's always asking questions, especially during festivals and ceremonies, when he's around commoners. He's incredibly outgoing and has no boundaries when it comes to physical touches or prying into the lives of others.


- Is the only one in the temple capable of speaking directly to Ra
- Must remain celibate to continue to be able to speak to the god
- Believed by most to be a demi-god himself; the priests support the commoners believing this
- Doesn't understand riches and money, as he grew up surrounded by luxury
- Only knows what the priests have told him and what he's read in books
- Almost never outside of the temple alone
- Loves physical affection
- Longs to see Ra again


The child of a Pharaoh and one of his many concubines, when Akashora was born, he was immediately brought before the priests, due to the strange status of his gender. The priests of Ra offered to raise him as their own, as to them, hermaphrodites were far closer to the gods than a normal man or woman. His mother accepted, seeing this as advantageous for her child, and he was taken in by the temple. He grew up among only the best, as his temple was rich and well funded by the royal family.

As a young child, Hathor came to him, and, much to the surprise of the priests, the animal had no gender either. They took this as a sign from their god, but were not certain of what. It wasn't until a few years later that they finally understood. When Akashora had his first interaction with Ra, it was after fainting from the heat. When he woke, the confused boy told the priests what had happened, and they knew that they had found a special child indeed. One who could communicate with the gods.

He only directly interacted with the god twice more as he as growing up. He could talk to him through his prayers and meditation, but was unable to truly visit him, as he had the first time.


Hathor. A strange creature who appears to be part feline and part bird and is believed to be blessed by both Bast and Horus themselves. The animal has no gender and is incapable of reproducing, making it all the more valuable. Many have attempted to steal the rare being, but the temple and its guardians have kept Hathor protected. It and Akashora share a special bond and the animal is incredibly protective over him. Hathor is usually the size of a domesticated cat, but is capable of growing to the size of a lion with proportionally large wings. It's coloring is reminiscent of a silver Egyptian Mau in its feline body, and a peregrine falcon in its bird-like features. It has a distinct marking of a scarab beetle on its forehead.


HA Designs: No shirt ;; With shirt
Fanart: By Emi ;; By Slytherin

Pet Treasure

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage

Mori Bandage


Desert Sand

Scarab of the Pharaohs

Common Scarab

Scarab of Scholars

Black Sand


Chubby Morostide Mummy Plushie

Mummy Mask


Lone Pumpkin Seeds

Sands of Time

Sun Sheeta Beanbag



Antique Potters Wheel

Solar Barque

Simple Goblet

Strange Animal Figurine

Scrap of Baboon Fur

River Mud

Vulture Feather

Ivory Wand

Cobra Fang

Cow Horns

Crocodile Tears

Blue Ibis Statuette

Ancient Terracotta Pot

Pet Friends

Have I done something to anger you..?

I..see you in my nightmares....