
Velaine has a minion!

Try to catch the Rainbow Crow

Legacy Name: Velaine

The Blacklight Feli
Owner: blackunia

Age: 15 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 17th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 1 month, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 17th, 2009 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 35
  • Defense: 41
  • Speed: 35
  • Health: 35
  • HP: 10/35
  • Intelligence: 35
  • Books Read: 10
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Kennel Cleaner

Blacky's a character based on my real cat whom I used to own. She had wandered to my father's garage as a kit of approximately 3 months old and stayed there for about half a year. We had a daschound named Inka, who really hated cats, so we couldn't let Blacky live at our home with her. Inka had a cancer though, and we had to send her over the rainbow bridge. To ease my pain after the loss of our dog, my parents let me took Blacky home...

At first it was really hard to turn her into a pet from a half-feral animal. She would often lash her claws at me and bite at my hand for no real reason. But as months went by, I managed to gain her trust, to the point where I could just lay her on my nape and carry her around the house. She even agreed to sleep with me in bed, which made this night one of the most memorable in my life... I loved her a lot, and she loved me. I made my first Warrior Cats OC based off her- a WindClan Medicine Cat called Coalfeather, and then I began to stick her into every imaginary universe I'd create.

She gave a litter of just one kit, Rattan, who looked just like herself. He was small and black, with a tiny white spot on his chest. We gave him to our uncle to live in a village, but after just few weeks he died, hit by a car. And then, after a couple more months, the same fate fell on the kit's mother. Blacky would often wander away for a day or two, for a long hunting trip, as she was still wild at heart, but she'd always come back. But once her absence started to make us all really nervous, so I decided to check on the sides of our street... and a man who saw us said he saw that a few days earlier someone speeding in a car has hit a black cat with some white fur on the chest.

I was totally broken down for some time. I mourned over her like I would over a real friend, and I still miss her. But she's still around whenever I wander away to my imagination. She can interact with practically any of my characters, as I translated her into a human, a wolf, a dog, a black panther and a dragon... while her personality and role stay the same- she's a calm, bright-hearted, caring medic- her name changes to Coalfeather, Velaine or Valerie, depending on the situation. I just knew I had to have her beside me in every one of my imaginative worlds I'd venture into.

Layout, coding and art by blackunia

Pet Treasure

Licorice Black Cat on a Stick

Black Kitty Plushie

13th Cat

Black Cat Ball

Morostide Black Cat Cupcake

Black Kitty Beanbag

Raven Feather Quill Pen

Rainbow Glowing Pen

Purple Glowing Pen

Red Glowing Pen

Orange Glowing Pen

Yellow Glowing Pen

Green Glowing Pen

Blue Glowing Pen

Geared Black Feather

Geared Purple Feather

Geared Red Feather

Geared Orange Feather

Geared Yellow Feather

Geared Green Feather

Geared Blue Feather

Folded Wings

Angelic Feather

Angel Wings

Pet Friends