
Legacy Name: Alteron

The Bloodred Paralix
Owner: El Sushi

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 4 weeks

Born: June 29th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: June 29th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 1
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

Note: In progress~

Semi-tangible claws curved over a bloody chest, pushing into the skin without resistance. It was always so easy, this part. After the screaming. Gold eyes flared with hunger, as he buried his nose in the mess of bones and organs and breathed in the scent of the heart.

"Young," he murmured, dragging his tongue over an exposed bone. "But all full up. Such petty darkness." His face stretched in a grin, and he sank his claws deeper into the oh-so-fragile heart. He could taste the pain, and it enticed him--beyond the baseless anger and unimportant sorrows lay much better fare.

And then he hit it, eyes flashing and grin nearly splitting his face in half as he pulled up something deliciously black from the wells of his heart. "Ah," he said, with a laugh like gravel hitting the road. "Lost a love? True sorrow, there."He reared back, dragging those bitter, damaged memories with him. Slamming his paws back on the concrete, he drew a deep breath and let it all seep into his shadowy body--memories, feelings, fantasy... darkness.As he swallowed the last vestiges of the soul, he turned from the corpse to start padding down the alleyway. A smirk found its way to his face, tendrils of smoke curling from his jaws before they dissipated into the air.

"Delicious," he decided.

« - - - »

"You're an envelope pusher, _______."

"Hmm?" he smirked, tilting his head to one side and looking through dark eyelashes at her. "And what's wrong with that, _____?" he purred, twisting a lock of her black hair around his finger. "Two thousand years, and you've never played along the edge?"

"Those who linger near the edge may soon find themselves falling."

"Oh, come on, _____. I'm not 'falling over the edge'," he sighed, lounging back on the couch. "Look at me, do I look like I'm going crazy? Huh? I'm perfectly normal."

"It's the normal ones I'm afraid of."

Pet Treasure

Bloodred Heart Plushie

Broken Heart Plushie

Gryphon Heart

Pet Friends