
Legacy Name: Tuhka_305

The Common Darkonite
Owner: Hinata_700

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 2 days

Born: July 30th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 10 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 30th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 2
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Lab Rat Journal:
May 16th - First time zapped by my owner, Zelda. =3 I'm not afraid of what I turn into, because I know my mommy will love me no matter what I look like! I looked in the mirror at my Sun Kerubi self and said good-bye to it. Soon after, we started for the carnival grounds. My siblings all came with me for support. Penny kept making fun of me and said how mommy would never zap her! Mom kept yelling at us to stop fighting from the driver's seat in the front. Ama had no clue what was going on since she only speaks Spanish, Skinde was trying to get us to stop arguing, since it (yeah, Skinde is genderless! I hope I don't get turned genderless...I'm not even going to think about that...) was sitting between us, and Vitani was being generally obnoxious by mocking both Penny and I. How supportive. After what seemed like forever, we finally made it. Everyone piled out of the minivan and made our way to the Zapper. The guy operating the machine was a little weird... I didn't trust him at first, but Zelda did, so whatever she says I'm okay with. I got in place, and stared into the barrel of the Pet Zapper. Suddenly, a yellow beam consumed me and I felt this tingling sensation. I expected it to hurt more. But it didn't at all. I turned to my family and saw their faces. Penny was laughing, as usual, Vitani and Amatista looked a little scared, Skinde just had it's eyebrows raised, but Mommy was smiling. I was wondering what I had turned into. I made a dash to the car and checked my reflection in the side of the car. I was just a Darkonite. I looked a little scarier than I had before, but not awfully frightening. I can't wait 'till my next zap! This is so exciting!

May 16th (later) - Twice in a day! Penny made fun of me (again). This time, it tickled more than it tingled. I sorta can get to like that weird sensation. Again, I hurried back to the car to check. Still a Darkonite. I thought it hadn't worked, but then I noticed my new color. Arid! Zapping is fun! Eventually Penny will stop harassing me...

May 17th - Penny is eating her words now! (or is that even a phrase?) So let me start from the beginning. This time it was just mom and I, so I got to sit in the front. I hardly ever get to sit there, since it's basically Amatista's seat all the time. I wonder how they coped at home without the translator? Anyhow, I was talking to mom about what else I could be turned into. Zelda said I could be any regular pet with any color, switch my gender, stats, or I could be turned into an experiment pet. That made me worried--I'd seen that kind of pet before, and they aren't exactly pretty... So we pulled up and we hurried in. Zelda paid the strange man and he zapped me quickly. The "zapper" cracked a smile, not a laughing smile but a proud smile, and Zelda had this happy-surprised look on her face. I asked them what I looked like, and hurried back to the car. Looking in the side mirrors I saw my new color. I was still a Darkonite, but I was a Spectrum Darkonite! Mommy always said how much those potions cost, and now I was turned spectrum for only a few Wizard Tokens! I don't want to stay like this forever. I like my ever-changing look. Like a chameleon. Tomorrow has a new adventure and appearance just around the corner!

May 17th (later) - Well. I suddenly feel like going shopping for dresses and lipgloss. I don't know if I like this yet, it's a little bit weird. And again, Penny is laughing her tail off. ._.; I'm a girl! I got zapped female. At least I have a gender. I mean, what bathroom does Skinde go into? I hope I go into the right bathroom. That would be so embarrassing. I'm also worried about "that time of the month" that my sisters talk about. Oh god help me!

May 18th - Someone up there in the sky heard my plea! Before I had to experience something completely alien and disgusting, I was gifted again with masculinity! My Serpenth sister is happy to have a brother again. So she can call me a girl, even though I'm not anymore. I think the Pet Zapper had some sympathy for me. I wonder what'll happen next? (If I get turned female again, I'll be sooo annoyed!)

May 18th (later) - I had a feeling this Spectrum phase wouldn't last long. Alas, I am now a plain, moss green Swampie. When I was zapped to that, I could see my mom's face fall, but not badly. Maybe just a tiny bit of disappointment. But that's the life of a zapped pet. ^^ When I came home, no one recognized me. "Quien es?" I remember Amatista asking, then wondering, "Donde esta mi hermano Tuhka?" She seemed disappointed when Zelda explained that it was me. I think she was a little scared of me. Vitani and Penny cackled over in a corner. Oh well.

May 19th - Well that was a fail. A "malfunction"? I call it a "scam...unction." Oh well. xP There's always tomorrow.

May 20th -

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Generally obnoxious. But she's my sister, so what are you going to do? She has this weird obsession with collecting bunnies. o.o

Hablas Espanol? Well you better if you want to talk to her. She only speaks Spanish, which is sort of annoying since Zelda is the only one who can, too. xP But she's the most loving sibling I have. <3

AKA "Penny." My sister Penny loves to make fun of me and laugh at me and make me feel bad. She usually gets in trouble, though, so it's worth it. :3

My genderless sibling. I wonder if it was zapped and lost it's manhood/womanhood? Anyway, it really loves chocolate. So I know how to get on it's good side. ^^