
Sunya has a minion!

Squish the Dark Matter

Legacy Name: Sunya

The Darkmatter Keeto
Owner: HyperZ

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 11th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 11th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 3
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber


The small keeto's breath became shallow as he ran quickly through the woods dodging trees. He heard the crunching of dead leaves and twigs under his paws as he ran. A bloodcurdling hiss filled the icy, cold night air.

The keeto ran faster his breathing quickened as he ran faster. The young keeto's name was Sunya. He was lost in the woods all alone, because he'd gotten separated from his friends. Now he was in deep trouble.

He'd woken up a very angry nightmare endeavor and it wanted him as its supper.

Sunya's paws became sore from all the running and were getting raw and bloody, but he pressed on. The hiss filled the air again and it sounded closer. Sunya shuddered but whether it was from the cold or the horribleness of that hiss, which was worse than nails on a blackboard, he didn't know.

His heart beat quickened and dodged another tree, but as he did his back paw got caught on a tree root and he went tumbling into a bush. He tried to keep quiet, hoping maybe the creature wouldn't realize what had happened and would keep flying in the same direction. Minute after painful minute dragged on slowly as he waited and then suddenly he saw the horrible and terrifying figure of the creature fly past his hiding place in pursuit of him.

He kept quiet for about ten minutes to make sure the creature had gone and was out of earshot of him. He slowly crawled out of the bush and looked around. With no sign of the creature he began limping in a sad effort to find a way out of the seemingly endless forest. He heard a crunching sound and he began to run but before he could even move he felt a hand grab him by the shoulder. He froze in fear.

"Are you alright?" A small female voice asked quite worried. He turned around slowly to find a small girl with copper hair and pale skin. She was dressed in a black hoodie and jeans that covered her feet. Sunya nodded slightly and whimpered like a pitiful little puppy.

"Who are you?" He asked in a small voice as the girl pulled her hoodie off and put it on him to keep him warm. She gently picked him up and held him close. "I'm Z. Who are you?" She asked as she made her way down an old worn path. Sunya began to relax in her warm embrace. "I'm Sunya." He replied as he closed his eyes.

Picture by Candyplague and the reason that Sunya got to be Dark matter! THANKS TONS! You are awesome!!!! 8D


Mom says I should do this....

March 21, 2010.

Rylasha and I are moving so fast....Things are going great between us.....And now that I finally told her my darkest fear of water I think we're growing even closer....But now Mom's making me go swimming! Swimming!!! All because Yani fell into the lake....Great. Just great! She says I have to overcome my fear....Why?! I'm perfectly fine being terrified of the water!!!

March 27, 2010.

So...After the whole being forced into the water incident Rylasha and I hid in the bushes to watch Miyayuni and Shikuro. And boy did things get interesting!!! Shikuro and Miyayuni exchanged stories...They sure are a lot alike! Then....They kissed. I thik it's about time! They made it too obvious...

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